I recently had a small infestation of phorid flies.I've found a fairly easy way to erradicate or at least keep them under control.Sticky stick/traps made by Safer's.They're a colored paper with glue on them.The flies are attracted to the color and when they land on it,they stick and die.Nontoxic and works well.They come in different colors but I've found yellow works well.It has a little plastic tree that you attach the sticky papers to...or you can use your imagination and place the stickies where ever.They're used for whitefly,thrips,aphids and fungas gnats infestations on indoor plants.Just make sure your spiders don't/can't come in contact with the stickies or they will have it stuck to them as well...and they're sticky..lol.Available at most garden/nursery centres..Home depot...Wally mart....peace..
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