So, i'm thinking about getting a bunch(40) but don't know a whole lot about their care requirments. Does anyone have any advice and or pictures of their set-ups?
#1. They are easy.
#2. Be prepared for a potential pest specie- they can live indoors.
#3. They are pretty cool and underappreciated in the hobby I think.
#4. Nymphs can be small enough to fit through some screen, so you need pinholes in your container or paper screen.
#5. What number am I on now? Oh yeah, they are easy.
#6. They do like plenty of cover, objects to climb, dont startle them when you open thier home for anything because they can fly and climb surfaces quickly.
#7. Dont make lists that are numbered unless you have a sense of humor.
More or less, except nivea nymphs dont like to climb, they bury. Pallida nymphs (at least mine) like to congregate together, and often on the underside of somewhere higher up. They do grow relatively quickly, too. If you are going to buy them from who I think you will get some really nice specimens....
Herp13, You should invest in the ALLPETS ROACHES has alot of information about culturing many of the species you have been interested in and posting threads about latley... VERY GOOD INFO!
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