Petstore Tarantula ID Mixup


Old Timer
Oct 18, 2003
I am starting to think that the Tarantula I purchased at the petstore as a Pink Zebra Beauty is actually a Brazilian Salmon Pink. "Why?" you might be asking yourselves. Well, for one she is of a much darker coloring than the PZB's I've seen. She's a mix of a deep salmon pink and dark brown. Her underside is pitch black and she recently molted bringing her up to roughly 5 inches. Plus she has an attitude to boot which is uncommon in PZB's. I wish I could attach a pic to my post but my camera is broken.
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Old Timer
Sep 10, 2003
Do you have access to a digital camera? You're right that the attitude sounds a bit off from the "typical" PZB, but, without a picture, it would be difficult to help you out. Also, another thing to consider is the possibility that it is a male. I've read that PZB's can reach up to 6 inches. So 5 wouldn't really be that unusual, bear in mind that I haven't seen a full grown PZB yet, all mine are half inch to one inch slings. I guess the real question to ask is this: Do you know for sure that your T is a female?
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Old Timer
Oct 18, 2003
Originally posted by MrBaronIsBack
Do you have access to a digital camera? You're right that the attitude sounds a bit off from the "typical" PZB, but, without a picture, it would be difficult to help you out. Also, another thing to consider is the possibility that it is a male. I've read that PZB's can reach up to 6 inches. So 5 wouldn't really be that unusual, bear in mind that I haven't seen a full grown PZB yet, all mine are half inch to one inch slings. I guess the real question to ask is this: Do you know for sure that your T is a female?
Well, I've checked for Tibial hooks and the club shaped pedipalps and I see none of that. I do own a confirmed male spider in my collection and my supposed PZB doesn't have these anatomical features. I suppose I could borrow my mother's camera, but I don't have the downloading sioftware for her camera on my PC.


Old Timer
Sep 10, 2003
Since the spider isn't quite large enough yet, I was thinking that it might be a sub-adult male. Not yet mature, but close enough to start displaying male attitude... skittish, jumpy, defensive. I have a Male Redknee that was a pushover until he went through his penultimate molt, then he started climbing everywhere. He matured the next molt.


Old Timer
Feb 25, 2003
Originally posted by Bagan
Well, I've checked for Tibial hooks and the club shaped pedipalps and I see none of that. I do own a confirmed male spider in my collection and my supposed PZB doesn't have these anatomical features. I suppose I could borrow my mother's camera, but I don't have the downloading sioftware for her camera on my PC.
If she has a PC that has the software, all you have to do is log onto arachnopets from there....