The Endangered Species Act is a double-edged sword, one that cuts deeply into herp hobbyists as much as supposedly saves animals. Any animals on the list would require Federal permit to own and transport across state lines, if I'm not mistaken, and ownership permits would be limited to only people who are propagating the species. That's why you don't see very many Eastern Indigo Snakes in captivity-too difficult to obtain the permits, and meanwhile their natural habitat in FL has not been saved one bit and is still declining. With few zoological parks bothering to breed these, their propagation is left up to a handful of people who were able to obtain permits. Their status as Endangered has not changed, so this one species has not benefited from inclusion. Now, others have, granted, like the alligator and the gray wolf, so I've got mixed thoughts about this proposal.
Sorry for the delay in responding. While there are problems with the ESA, it is, for better or worse, the one of the most effective tools we have. Permit requirements are not the only protections that result fro a listing...recovery plans, funds for research and land purchase, international trade implications, the umbrella species effect and a host of others become possible. I've been involved in the permitting process, privately and professionally, several decades now and while red tape and all are a problem, but that applies across the board, in my experience, with almost any large government body.
Florida is a unique and very difficult state in which to work, for obvious reasons. However, I've worked with captive breeding /release programs for indigo snakes in 2 major zoos, and other institutions are also involved. These efforts do not always garner public attention, unfortunately, but they are ongoing, and habitat protection, etc has proven effective in some parts of the species' range.
In common with most herpetologists, I began as a hobbyist and remain so, and I champion the efforts of the private sector where appropriate. Please see this article:
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