Pet Wolf Spiders

Tazar Yoot

Oct 4, 2006
Has anyone here ever kept a wolf spider as a pet? I've kept a few and the one I recently kept as a pet laid an egg sac. I kept her for a bit after the babies hatched but I let her go after about a week because I couldn't find that many locusts to feed to her and I didn't want the babies to potentially get out and get stamped on by my mum or sis. I often scare the heck out of them both when I bring in spiders, praying mantises, and other bugs for pets. I even looked up the spanish word for spider so I could tell my mum and the spanish-speaking co-workers at my Burger King that my spider is a mother... mi araña es una madre! (dunno most of the other accent marks)


Old Timer
Nov 22, 2005
oh yeah, i've kept many Lycosids before. I actually still have a few slings of the biggest wolf spider I've ever seen (who had babies, obviously). They are great spiders and their eye pattern makes them look like they have a "face." I keep them now because I'm doing research on them in a lab.


Old Timer
Dec 11, 2005
I get hundreds of them in my back garden. Thyere so small and lightening fast! Trying to get a pic of one is impossible!

Tazar Yoot

Oct 4, 2006
oh yeah, i've kept many Lycosids before. I actually still have a few slings of the biggest wolf spider I've ever seen (who had babies, obviously). They are great spiders and their eye pattern makes them look like they have a "face." I keep them now because I'm doing research on them in a lab.
I keep them because they're so beautiful, and I like watching them eat. There might actually be quite a few in my house, including a momma spider I found while cleaning my room. Tried catching her(while shooting it with my digital camera which unfortunately has no sound :( ) but she got away. The babies are cute too!

Glen Southern

Old Timer
Aug 3, 2006
I picked a mother up last month with a sac attached to her abdomen. I had her for about a week when the little ones hatched and stayed attached to her for over a week. They are awesome little spiders to study. The slings started to drop off another week later and I was about to let her go when I found her in a death curl one morning. She was eating small crix with relish so I'm not sure what she died of. They didn't kill her as I've had happen with other little UK species. I released the babies that I had left in the small tank I'd set-up, about 40 were remaining. I never saw any canabalism with them.


Old Timer
Apr 1, 2006
Ever since I was 10 yrs. old, (six years ago). I've held, raised, been bitten by, tried to breed, caught, and released every species of spider in the states of West Virginia, Virginia, Ohio, and North Carolina. (Well, not literally ALL of them)
I had one shelf in my dad's garage full of ice cream containers, fruit preserving jars, and anything else that would hold a 'bug'.

That's what got me into raising Tarantula's and scorps.


Old Timer
Dec 11, 2005
Ever since I was 10 yrs. old, (six years ago). I've held, raised, been bitten by, tried to breed, caught, and released every species of spider in the states of West Virginia, Virginia, Ohio, and North Carolina. (Well, not literally ALL of them)
I had one shelf in my dad's garage full of ice cream containers, fruit preserving jars, and anything else that would hold a 'bug'.

That's what got me into raising Tarantula's and scorps.
Oh i would love to be able to see all those jars and containers!