Pet store "petting" zoo


Old Timer
Sep 9, 2002
Earlier today I went to a local pet store where they have carried several different types of Ts. I usually try to keep my complaints on their T maintenance to a minimum, because I know they weren't going to take any of my suggestions anyways. But today I felt I had to say something, and let me know if I was in the wrong.
There was a group of fifteen 7 year old boys looking at and handling some of the different arthropods (Hermit crabs etc) when I heard the employee ask if they wanted to handle a tarantula. I asked him if he really thought that was a good idea, and asked how he planned to do it. It was a small area, and all of those kids couldn't fit standing up much less sitting down. He told me that it was a "Rose haired tarantula" and that they didn't bite. He held a 3.5" tarantula at his waist level (him being 6' of so) and let the kids pet and poke at it. The rosie that I used to have was psyco and would have displayed, kicked hairs and bolted from the area. I did mention something to the management that it I thought it was an unsafe activity for this unexperienced guy (he admitted to me that he knows only what the store has told him about Ts) to have put the T and the kids at potential problems. If a child got a faceful of hair (they posed for pics with thier faces next to it), or an accidental nip? Or if the rosie jumped and ruptured?
Sorry fr the book, but it was a little disconcerting to me and I thought I would get other opinions on how I could have handled it better.

Kelly (L_mac)

Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
I certainly wouldn't call it out of line. When a petstore doesn't take adequate care of their Ts, all they are hurting is themselves if the stock dies before one of the bleeding heart types on these boards rescues it (or wonder of wonders someone completely unaware they're doing a bad job buys it). But when you've got a teen emp whose engaging in such activities with minors (even the hermit crabs) with no parental supervision or explicit consent, that's a major problem in my eyes. It can be destructive to the hobby at large and that's never good.


Old Timer
Jun 28, 2003
what store in what city was that? The pet store we go to lets me and my wife handle the snakes, but I think that's only cuz he trusts my abilities with them. I don't think he'd let a child touch the snakes, though he'll proove his point about any animal being friendly by letting his 4 yr old daughter handle them lol.



Old Timer
Aug 11, 2003
Figured I better keep the Wisconsin theme going. No Mac you were not out of line. If it is a situation like Psyco describes where the store owner/manager knows you and you are a regular, that is one thing. I think it is great that the guy in the store would take the time to show these kids the Tarantula but I would have spoke up about the way it was being done. Like Code says, if a parent was with them or if it was an educated employee thats one thing, but if the kid was just trying to be cool then thats a problem. Mac you are right on target for the way you handled it. ....

Oh and the Packers stunk today.:D
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