"pet" roach colony


Old Timer
Aug 11, 2005
I recently acquired a colony of B. craniifer x fusca roaches for feeding purposes. I have to say, I feel quit guilty feeding them to my other animals as I find them far more interesting than crickets (actually I really hate crickets).
I'm thinking about starting a "pet" colony of another species, I was thinking maybe African bullet roaches...
I want something smaller, and more colorful or atleast interesting to observe. Maybe something a little less common. Any suggestions?


Old Timer
May 23, 2005
Pet roaches are my thing

Hello, This is Dexter D from DoubleDs, We carry many exotic species of roaches including a new morph of hisser that were currently trying to classify and get the right to name it, but for now were calling it the domino hisser.
Anyway we carry many species that you might be interested in including African Abullet Roaches, and Harlequin roaches.
We carry quite a few unique species and have been around since the introduction of roaches into the feeder market.
If you have any questions just email me at.

Dexter D
Double Ds
Last edited:


Old Timer
Jun 5, 2005
i think theyre pretty common, not sure, they can be found in Louisiana, and Texas i think.
Pale Bordered Field roaches. I want some, but im trying to get away from the climbers, and well, they climb.


Old Timer
Jul 22, 2004
I really like Eurycotis decipiens. They're not only gorgeous, but you're likely to see them out and about. They seem a bit bolder than other roaches, because they don't bolt even when I'm moving their cage around. D. orini is a close second but not nearly as pretty in my opinion.

There are a ton of other beautiful roaches out there. The only problem is that you don't get to see how pretty they are because they spend most of their time hiding. Rhypharobia maderae have a gorgeous copper-nickel sheen, Harlequin roaches have knockout patterns, O. orientalis look as Asian as their name suggest... I can go on and on. You just have to see them in person to appreciate them.

I think the best pet roach though is Archimandrita tesselata. I personally think they make a better alternative to hissers because they're not nearly as skittish, and they're huge. I love taking them out to handle.


Old Timer
Mar 10, 2003
DoubleD's said:
Hello, This is Dexter D from DoubleDs, We carry many exotic species of roaches including a new morph of hisser that were currently trying to classify and get the right to name it, but for now were calling it the domino hisser.
Anyway we carry many species that you might be interested in including African Abullet Roaches, and Harlequin roaches.
We carry quite a few unique species and have been around since the introduction of roaches into the feeder market.
If you have any questions just email me at.

Dexter D
Double Ds
Some of the roach pics on your site look like ones from another site.... from allpet roaches site( http://www.angelfire.com/oh2/Roaches/). Are you using those with permission from the owners? I don't see any reference to permissions or credits for the pictures.

Elytra and Antenna

Old Timer
Sep 12, 2002
DoubleD's --most of your pics are stolen off my sites and you had better remove them immediately. I wouldn't be as frustrated if you had the decency to put links to where the photos came from but that still doesn't give you permission to use them. Copyright infringement beyond the criminal aspect can get you banned from your internet host.

***Everyone has hisser nymphs with spots on the side, I told you that, if you try to sell normal hissers as domino hissers you're going to have some angry customers.


Old Timer
Jun 18, 2004
MantidAssassins said:
Everyone has hisser nymphs with spots on the side
True that. Are you sure those are the hissers he is referring to? He isn't talking about an entirely different kind?