permethrin toxicity in cats


Jun 13, 2005
Hi there folks. I had a tragedy last night that I would like to share with you all so that maybe you can avoid the same thing. We recently adopted a young cat into our family. Actually, it was a very sick young cat when my dogs found it in the back yard, and we took it to the vet, nursed it back to health, and my blue heeler adopted her like a child. As a precuationary measure against fleas since the cat had come from dubious circumstances, we purchased spot flea treater from the local discount store. I'm not sure if I can mention brand names here and I don't want to offend the board operators or put them at liability, but it was not the generic stuff, and extensive research last night suggests to me that basically any of the OTC spot flea treaters can cause the same problems in cats. Active ingredient was Etofenprox 55%, and it was labeled for cats over 5 lbs and over 12 weeks of age. Both the new cat and my older (4yrs) one that received the medication met these criteria. The product was applied per label instructions.

Four hours after application, the older cat suddenly had a violent seizure, foaming at the mouth, thrashing on the floor and howling. When I googled "cat seizures" I found several references to neurological reactions to external flea treatments, so both cats quickly got a bath with mild dish detergent to remove the product and were taken to an emergency vet. Shortly after the onset of symptoms in the older cat, the new one began walking unsteadily and twitching. Long story short, the new cat who we had come to love very much passed away last night, succumbing to a violent seizure that probably caused a heart attack. My older cat was released from the vet this morning, but has residual neurological symptoms (twitching, unsteadiness). We can only pray that those dissipate over the next 48 hrs, per the vet.

I know some will say that I should have done more homework before doing anything to my cats, and I certainly feel the weight of that responsibility. It was unbelievably painful being helpless as they were wracked with seizures. Nevertheless I am amazed that such dangerous products continue to be sold OTC. I followed the label directions exactly, and both cats were in the appropriate range for the medication. Our vet said there was nothing we did wrong in the application or the dosage, but that this type of product just does that. He says he sees a few of these cases every year.

I wish I had been warned, and I take some small comfort that some of you might steer clear of these products now.



Old Timer
Jun 4, 2006
I have heard the flea collars are bad. My first cat wore a flea color most of his life, and then we found out it can cause serious health problems. Our first cat was very sick, but we dont think it was the collar, he had alot of health problems to begin with. Now I have 2 cats, none wear a flea collar, but twice a year we apply the liquid flea medication. I just recently heard its bad, so I too was wondering to stick with it, or stop it completely. But my cats do get fleas sometimes, so how would we stop it, we keep them very clean, so we think the fleas come in from outside on our shoes. My cats are 3 and 5 years old.

I have heard that if a cat licks the liquid flea medication it will foam a little since it tastes horrible, I guess they get excess saliva trying to clean the medication out of the fur.

Keep us updated what you find out.


Scarlet O' Hairy
Old Timer
Aug 20, 2002
Oh my gosh. Im soo sorry to hear that, thats absoultey aweful. I kwow what its like to loose pets.

Our cat Comet was about already quite elderly, when he was treated for fleas (not really nessessary in my opinion, though he went outdoors it wasnt for very long or very often.) He had a bad reaction to one of the flea drops too. I forget the name, but it started with an R.. Almost could have died, was rushed to the vet. He ended up being ok and lived to be 17.

So sorry for your loss again. :(


Old Timer
Feb 10, 2003
Many have known for years that the OTC flea treatments found in grocery stores or pet stores have caused deaths in pets (cats seem to be more frequently afflicted). Google "Hartz" and you'll find all sorts of websites related to the animals this stuff has killed.

Dwayne (SpiderMan 2) posted here last year after his Siamese almost died from an OTC flea treatment.

Use a product from your vet (Advantage, Frontline, etc), and don't be scared to educate others. Honor your poor deceased kitty by doing your best to ensure this doesn't happen to another cat.


Old Timer
Sep 26, 2005
Unfortunately, OTC pet meds are not FDA regulated. There is no telling how many cats die or suffer long term damage from neurotoxicity via over the counter flea spot treatments. I absolutely echo the above sentiments: use Advantage, Frontline, and other products recomended by your vet. You can get Advantage now without a prescription. I'm SO sorry this information came too late for you, but thank you for posting about it.
As to the flea collars, think of it this way: would YOU wear a ring of pesticide around your neck? Aside from being generally ineffective, cats often sustain chemical burns around their necks from flea collars. Stick with the high quality spot treatments.


Old Timer
Jun 4, 2006
I use Frontline now, are you sure that is ok to use, we got it from our vet.


Mar 24, 2006
I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty! I hope the younger kitty recoveres completely. Unfortunately, these toxic products continue to be sold. As has been said before, stick with the products sold by your veterinarian. Advantage, Revolution, and Frontline are proven to be safe, and work very well. Every time I walk down the pet aisle at the grocery store, I want to grab all those awful flea products and throw them in the garbage!


Old Timer
Jul 24, 2006
I agree with this. I have been working for vet clinics for years and have found both dogs and cats that have come in with neuro toxicity to many of these products.

I know they are cheap, but they are not regulated, they have not had alot of testing done on them. The OTC products at your vet (unlees they have heartworm Treatment in them they are OTC) are more pricey, but alot of vets will honor the "pet meds" pricing as long as your ASK specifically. These products are MUCH better and MUCH safer! They actually work more than a week or 2.

ON a better note, Hartz products will be pulled from the shelves soon. I have reliable resources stating that they have gotten into too many lawsuits over their flea meds that they will be fourced to pull out.

I am so sorry you found out the hard way what these products are capable of. Everytime I go into walmart and see someone looking at them I want to scream and tell them no.....but even when I do, they don't listen and think I'm insane. I told everyone at the vet clinic about thuis but I'm sure they thougt i was just treying to sell our product. I honestly don't care where they get it, just that they do.

And I don't care to name brand names here because it can save a pets life!!

The following are SOME of the products that can be deadly:
and almost ANYTHING you can buy in a retail store.

Alof of the "vet approved" flea medication that is sold in Feed stores and walmrts and petstores unailliated with vet clinics are ILLIGAL, or are not really the brands you think you are getting. ALWAYS get them from your vet or 1800 petmeds.


Old Timer
Feb 9, 2006
Galadriel said:
As to the flea collars, think of it this way: would YOU wear a ring of pesticide around your neck?
Well, no, but I wouldn't crap in a box in the living room either... :D

Ack, I realised this was possible, but I had no idea how probable death from flea medication can be. I've never had any problems with our animals, but this makes me question the death of our 12 year old gray tabby a few years back...

He was having seizures for about six months (not your typical seizure; he'd just lie there all limp and let out the most horrible yowls...then just get up and walk away like nothing had happened) and we finally had to put him down one morning when he couldn't move his back legs. We attributed his ailments to a blood clot that began in his brain, causing the seizures, and got lodged in his spine that fateful morning. I don't suppose this was due to flea products, though, because his seizures were long term.
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Old Timer
Jun 4, 2006
Thisgal, my first cat was a male gray tabby, and I had to put him down at age 12 also. We had him wear a flea collar for many years, he was our first cat, and nobody told us it was bad for him, not even our vet! For almost 2 days he would not walk much,eat (he liked to eat), or go to the bathroom. Then on the 3rd day he would not move at all, except his tail.
We put him to sleep that day.

For years though he had a very large stomach, it had to be more than just weight from food, he would vomit almost every week, have a hard time going #2, had urinary infections almost every 2 years, had a cyst removed from his tail, got what looked likie dandruff, and our vet said for us to keep him on science diet dry food his whole life.

Plus, I got my cat from my aunt and uncle, who didnt care for him well the 4 years they had him. He was locked in a bathroom his whole life, with 2 other cats that had to compete for food with him, and when he escaped the bathroom their dog would chase him, he ended up loosing half his fur from falling down a cement wall, it grew back. Their 2 other cats were in no better shape. Their runt died from cancer in the house (never got treatment) and their other cat had bad urinary tract infections for years, so one day my grandma let him go outside (my aunt and uncle told her to)and they never saw him again. They basically abused the cats, its a blessing they have no more.

He was very sick, but we tried our best for him. We do think though our vet didnt tell us half the stuff that was wrong with our cat because we "didnt have alot of money" He seemed to favor patients who were well to do.

For my 2 cats now we go to a different vet, and have researched alot more about cat care. :)