Are there any suggestions you could give me as to how long I should leave the female with the eggsac and what I should do to optimize my chacnes of having a batch of spiderlings?
My female produced an eggsac last February. I left the sac with her for about 8 weeks then pulled it. I continued to incubate it in a homemade incubator.
Unfortunately after 10 weeks, I checked to see if there were any spiderlings, but none of the eggs had developed.
I noticed the eggsac was very susceptible to drying out, and was hard when I went to open it.
I would recommend pulling the sac after 6 weeks and keeping it in a very humid (not wet) incubator. After the first 30 days, it should need the constant attention the mother would give it, so you would be alright turning it a couple times a day.
From what I found out, there could be as many as 400 spiderlings in the sac and they will be very small, probably 1/8 inch.
I hope this helps.
Email me if you have any other questions. I'll be glad to share my experiences.
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