People make me sick!


Old Timer
Jul 5, 2007
So, as a lot of you know, I rescued a horse almost a year ago named Samson. He used to belong to Orlando's Dolly Parton's Dixie Stampede. There he was neglected and all but forgotten. It took me the full year to get him to trust people again and to start fixing his MANY bad manners. I owned him as my own for about 6 months where I worked as much as I could while trying to find time to take care of him and pay his many bills. It finally got to the point of where I couldnt afford him anymore and I gave him away to a lady from work. She happily took him and every week I would ask him how he was doing. She would go on and on about how much her and her husband loved him and how much he was learning.
Well, tonight I met her at our works dinner party and apparently they want to get rid of him. She told me that a few months ago, her and her husband had gone up north and ridden a rew rocky mountain horses and her husband fell inlove. Unfortunately they already have too many horses and Sammy was first on their list to get rid of. She asked me if I wanted him back or if I wanted a percentage of however much they made on him.

Wait a sec..

A percentage of whatever you make on him? Exactly when did he turn into a car, or a sofa, or a computer?

That made me SOOOO furious! I worked my butt off trying to pay for that horse, I spent a year just trying to get him to let me lay on his back and she wants to sell him for the highest bidder because they found a new toy!?
She also complained that he was too bulky and didnt fit well through the trees they ride him through.


This was want I DIDNT want to happen. I didnt want him to go from home to home to home. Hes had a cruddy enough life as it is, he deserves someone who will love him until the day he dies.
I'm going to tell her that i want him back. Its going to be a ton of extra stress and money that I really dont want to spend but the idea of him going to an abusive, neglectant home, or being sold to the slaughter house scares me more than anything.

I'll keep everyone posted on what happens.

Here is a picture of him when I used to own him.



Old Timer
Feb 23, 2008
Very nice looking horse!

I'd let them sell him, so long as it isn't to a slaughterhouse. He will probably go to someone who actually wants him, instead of remaining first on the list of horses to go where he is now. Don't worry so much about him, you did your part in his life and made it better.

I'd let whatever happens, happen. It will make you stronger. Don't go into debt after you already did all that you could.

Nice job saving the horse by the way. Even if something terrible happened now, you really made his life better by getting him out of the commercial place he was in.


Old Timer
Jul 5, 2007
Very nice looking horse!

I'd let them sell him, so long as it isn't to a slaughterhouse. He will probably go to someone who actually wants him, instead of remaining first on the list of horses to go where he is now. Don't worry so much about him, you did your part in his life and made it better.

I'd let whatever happens, happen. It will make you stronger. Don't go into debt after you already did all that you could.

Nice job saving the horse by the way. Even if something terrible happened now, you really made his life better by getting him out of the commercial place he was in.
I completely 100% couldn't disagree more. I have put so much into that horse that I physically just CANT let whatever happen to him, happen to him. I couldnt live with myself knowing that, because I didnt care enough, that he was back in the hell hole he was in before. That horse was my life for the longest time, theres no way that I could just turn my back on him and forget about him.

That horse has been so misunderstood, abused and neglected that I would turn into the people that I'm trying to protect him from.

I wont go into debt. When I get him a new home I was only making 20hours a week and $7 an hour. I'm up to 48hrs a week and make more. I CAN pay for him, its just going to be difficult.


Old Timer
Mar 16, 2008
I completely 100% couldn't disagree more. I have put so much into that horse that I physically just CANT let whatever happen to him, happen to him. I couldnt live with myself knowing that, because I didnt care enough, that he was back in the hell hole he was in before. That horse was my life for the longest time, theres no way that I could just turn my back on him and forget about him.

That horse has been so misunderstood, abused and neglected that I would turn into the people that I'm trying to protect him from.

I wont go into debt. When I get him a new home I was only making 20hours a week and $7 an hour. I'm up to 48hrs a week and make more. I CAN pay for him, its just going to be difficult.
Im With you. I am a born and bred rancher. I have lived and worked on this ranch all 47 years of my life and owned many horses. They may only be an animal to some but to those who dedicate their lives to them they are much more. They really become part of your family. I currently have 9 that are old and retired but the will be here as long as humanely possible. I say keep him, love him and it will be alright. GOODLUCK


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2008
Lucara, you are the one to make the decision, if selling him will ensure a loving home than great, make a deal with the owner not sell him to a slaughter house. If you dont have the means its not fair to the horse and chances are he wont be sold to a slaughter house. just my 2 cents:(
You did good for him,and you let him go because you had to, imo you can help him move on.
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Old Timer
Jun 17, 2008
Im sorry you have to go through all of this and I feel even more sorry for the horse he is absolutely gorgeous I believe you are in the right wanting him back I would do the same all the way It might seem like more work and money at first but you will find a way to work it out I know you will everything tends to work out the way its supposed to maybe its just natures way of saying he is supposed to be with you forever I hope all works out good luck with him


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2005
Wow very pretty.... the horse is pretty as well. Im not much of a horse person myself, but i respect the passion you seem to have for your horse. I hope everything works out and you get him back. If you have spent all that time and effort with him then maybe you can get him back and find him a home for him where he will be happy until the end of his days. If he is docile maybe you could give him to a company that works with disabled kids for horseback riding or something of that nature? They have a place like that up here and i guess they treat there horses like royalty spending time and money taking care of them and getting them proper training and attention. Whatever you decide to do i wish you both the best ;).



Old Timer
Oct 12, 2007
Halflingers are beautiful horses, and so fantastic to ride and drive. I used to drive a team of them. :D

SOO SOO horrible that his new owners want to pawn him off like that. "First on their list to get rid of"?! Come on!

I've owned my Allie my whole life, and I know that she's a difficult and hard-headed horse who is almost impossible to ride. No matter what, I can never sell her because SOMETHING will go wrong.

I wish you luck in getting all of this stress behind you. It's not all bad, though - you will get the pleasure of owning that stunning animal again. The work involved in owning a horse (even if it's doing a crappy job to earn the money you need) is all well worth it. My life would not be what it is today without my Allie.

PM me anytime if you wanna talk - I'm kinda been-there-done-that when it comes to putting up with bad horse ownership and such.


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2008
I definitely have a high respects for you after reading this post.

It's good to see someone making a difference instead of just 'wanting to'.

Good luck with him..he's a beautiful boy and deserves an owner such as yourself.


Old Timer
Nov 20, 2006
It's sad when people do that with pets. When I lived with my father we had horses. We saved several horses from such people. Good luck with him, I hope you can manage, or can find him a good home. Horses are such sweet animals, I'm sure he'll make it worth it if you decide to take him back. :)

Texas Blonde

Old Timer
Dec 2, 2003
Thats a beautiful horse, I love palominos. I was raised around horses, my dad is an Equine orthopedics surgeon, and my mom was a professional rider/trainer. They arent easy pets, and certainly not for everyone. The amount of commitment you have to make is similar to marriage. And just like marriage, way too many people take it lightly.

Im sorry that his current owners want to sell him, but unfortunatly, thats the way it goes most of the time. They want a horse that suits their wants better, and I can understand that. But their first responsibility should be their current horses.

Maybe you can help them find him a good home. If he is good around children, you might be able to find a family with a farm that would take him for their kids.

My mom sold my horse Scout a couple years ago to a woman who really loved him, but then he developed a heart condition, and she couldnt ride him anymore. She didnt want to get rid of him, but she could only afford to have one horse. And she wanted one that she could ride and show. So she put Scout up on a message board, so she could give him away to a good home. Through luck, my mom saw it, and we got him back. Now he is a pasture ornament at my aunts farm, where he will happily live out the rest of his days. This is him:

(Not the most flattering picture ever, but it sort of shows off his pretty red coat. Hes a blood bay, and when he is bathed and brushed, hes the color of burnished copper. Its really stunning.)