- Joined
- May 27, 2006
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- 4
Hey all. I'm new to the forum but I have been in the hobby of collecting and raising insects & arachnids since i was a wee lad. anyway, I have raised black widows for many years. Of all of the specimens I have kept in the past, none ever tried to lay eggs. They have all been kept in basicaly the same container, in my room which I know would not allow for a male to penetrate. I came home this morning after being gone for a few days and to my surprise, my present spider has created an egg sack, and within I can see a small dot. I was not aware that black widows were capable of parthenogenic reproduction. Since no other spider i have ever kept has done this, I am a bit surprised. I was just wondeirng if anyone else has experienced this with latrodectus mactans and if indeed it will truely become a full egg sack of spiderlings. Take care,