Parrot/Bird Picture Thread


Old Timer
Dec 15, 2003
Hello. I recently ( 3 -5 months ago) purchased a Green Cheek Conure, and I am truly amazed how great a pet this parrot is. So I decided to make this thread so that bird or parrot owners can post pictures of their pets. So post pictures of your parrot or bird here.

The first one is my Green Cheek Conure, Named Charlie
and the Second one is my friend David's Lesser Patagonian Conure with no name


Old Timer
Jul 8, 2007
Lovely conure - I have one as well, though he got a little less sweet upon sexual maturity (as can be expected). Still a totally awesome bird though. Anyways, here's my bird family. I'm getting a third parrot probably soon (someone is willing me their parrot when she passes, which sadly from the looks of things might be soonish).

Aspen, my 8y.o. green cheek, trying to murder the camera. He was a misguided gift from my grandparents, but ah - I love him anyways. Sad that they supported a pet store and thus some unethical mass breeder to get him for me, though.

Pretty Bird (dreadful name, he came with it), my ~ 15 y.o. White Fronted Amazon. Got him as a severely neglected, very distraut 9 year old who was being kept in the kennel of a vet office in a very tiny, dull cage - eating nothing but sunflower seeds no less. You'd think a vet would know better, eh? I was working kennel and was the only person willing to work with the bird because he was quite aggressive (you would be too if your life was that lousy), so on Christmas they stuck a bow on his cage and said he was all mine. His adoption anniversary is coming up, which means lots of toys and treats!

Velveeta, my oooold parakeet... I think she's about 14y.o. now. And we got her for free because she had a URI, no less! Great bird, never really tamed up but fun to observe.

Sigma, another older lady. Around 10 y.o., and was very badly cared for until we adopted her from her prev. owner about 4 years ago, hence her craptastic looking cere. She's molting in this pic so pardon her appearence.

Theto, a ~ 4.5-5 y.o. male. We got him at the same time as Sigma when he was under a year old, and he already had fatty liver disease because his owner thought spray millet, sunflower seed, and cheese was just GREAT for a bird (why anyone thinks a BIRD should have dairy is beyond me...). Hence his massive, frigged up looking chest area.

Where to start with Noah? He's presumably a young bird as his cere hadn't decided on a color when we found him about 6 months ago. He must have escaped/been let loose and wandered into our yard looking to eat the chicken feed, because I found him getting ripped up by my rooster. He had big clumps of feathers missing, some bite wounds, a claw ripped out (visible in this pic) and was completely emaciated/dehydrated. And to top it off, he got some kind of crazy respritory and digestive bug simultaneously about a day after I took him inside, so I had to keep him on anti-biotics, force feed him, and give him subq fluids night and day for WEEKS. Ungh. Anyways, he's better now, and I guess he's worth it... frankly, kindof a dickish bird (very bitey) but I guess I would be too given that past.

Nuru, my big sexy rooster and resident parakeet slayer. We got him a year ago this January; someone dumped him and his hens at the park my uncle works at, and they unfortunately couldn't catch him until he was so underweight and cold that he couldn't escape. All his hens vanished, so we can only guess eaten or froze to death. He's a mean SOB who wakes me up every morning way too early since he sleeps downstairs right below my room in the winter.

Alejandro, my hen and by far one of my favorite pets. I got her about two years ago from my neighbor; bought a bunch of chicks for her kids for easter and this one had "the sniffles" so she gave it to me (as she didn't want the kids to see it die. Nice lady. Ever hear of an f'ing vet?). Anyways, Alejandro has chronic sinus infections, so she just needs a good diet to keep her immunity boosted, some regular steaming to clear up her nasal passages, and occasionally an anti-biotic and nose drops. She's so awesome though. She lived in my room since she was a chick up until she was big enough to go outside, so she's tame as a dog. Follows me everwhere, sits on a chair making a racket when she wants some of my dinner, loves to sit on my lap and watch TV, and often sleeps in my room perched on my bed (butt facing the floor w/newspaper though, of course). Definately one of the best pets I've ever had.


Old Timer
Sep 8, 2003
Im tragically out of parrot type birds!! I dont have the time they need :( Maybe soon. My cockatiel died a few years ago at the ripe old age of 18. I miss him

Roachgirl, I have a beautiful road island red chick that was given to me because it was pasted up and was "Just going to die" We washed her up and kept her warm and now shes 3 yrs old and in charge of killing and eating the rats under the coop.. lol Gotta love those chickens. Each has a very definate personality!


Old Timer
Oct 15, 2007
I miss my old cockatiel, I had her for 3 years before some weird virus swept the house - we all got sick, the fish went belly up (to this day I have no idea how) and the bird snuffed it. My dad insisted that he'd rather clean the tank than take me to the vet - it was too late for anything when he'd finished. That was the most awesome bird ever and I miss her. I still have all my cages so I'll get another as soon as I have a job again.

I got sold a diamond dove once for 5 pounds instead of the full 25, I kept her for several months but there was just something not right with the animal, I did my best and at least she got what was more aprorpiate for a dove - a nice quiet room with a large cage and as much seed (and all the other trimmings) as she would ever need.

A cat got my finches, I am presently going after the cat.

So yes, I can't wait to repopulate my room with a bird, I LOVE birds, my favourate kind of animal in fact. Before I got my teil I could never relate but now.. yeah now I'm smitten with them.

And those are some beautiful photograhps. I really do envy you, such gorgeous animals!


Old Timer
Sep 14, 2007
Here is my baby.Her name is Kai she turned 2 on the 5 December :D I got her when she was 6weeks old and shes the sweetest thing on earth!She can even do a few tricks {D
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Old Timer
Oct 15, 2007
I LOVE macaws! she is GORGEOUS. Yeah she's so cute that required not one but two words highlighted in capitals :)

phil jones

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2006
some VERY nice bird picts and as i think you know i do love all birds ;) :) :) :worship: :worship: :worship: to you and your birds --- phil


Old Timer
Sep 14, 2007
Thank you very much for all the kind words {D
She looks cute and all but shes got her honors degree in mass destruction :D