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Pandinus cavimanus


Old Timer
Mar 23, 2003
Today was the day I had decided to renew the substrate in all of my smaller scorp tanks. My P. Cavimanus is kept in a small plastic box that has got a metal screen melted into the lid.
Although i'm always the first one to preach about how unsafe it is handling a scorp by the telson I did it, and true to my own words got nailed in the thumb! I was a bit careless and just reached down to grab the last segment but I must have got hold of it wrong and actually helped the scorp push the aculeus into my skin.
The physical pain of the sting hurt the most. Just like when you prick yourself on a bramble/rose thorn. It was not a dry sting, venom was produced but I think it was of the more watery kind. The blood that came from the puncture wound appeared quite thin.
It is now 10 mins since the sting and all I can feel is the slight throb on the tip of my thumb. Nothing severe. The only evidence is a very small red spot.

If I had to give it a pain rating its only worthy of 2 out of 10.


4 days on and the tip of my thumb is still a little tender. There is no visible evidence but I can feel a small hard lump under the skin.
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Old Timer
Nov 19, 2006
stung while sexing P. cavimanus

I was stung while trying to find out the sex of my new P. cavimanus, in the act of turning her over. It may have been a 'dry' sting, but didn't feel like much; like getting a shot. It itched, quite mildly, for about ten minutes after that and was done.
A close call: my male P. cavimanus swiped at me and missed while I was doing some tank maintenance. He left a smear of venom on the glass and a bubble dripping off of his tail. I wish I hadn't of misplaced my camera at the time, would have made an awesome telson pic for this thread.


Old Timer
Nov 10, 2006
Tagged while doin' some cage maintence

I was actucally trying to get the remaining cricket parts out of their enclosure when my male deceided to get a bit on the cranky side....Not that it bothered me while I was removing legs and wings, but he deceided to do his normal charge and swipe the claws at me and this time he managed to connect with my right index finger. It's still a bit numb (30 minutes later) but it's not that bad, Felt like a shot really....nothing but a bit of a stinging sensation and a bit of pain (maybe a 2 on a 1-10 scale in my oppinion.) NOT only did he tag me, but my female ALSO tried, THANK GOD for a bit of quick reaction time on that one!