Hi all..I need an advice regarding P. metallica.
I have a chance to get a P.metallica sling (size 2-3cm, or about 1 inch)..And as I consider them to be one of the most beautiful tarantulas, and there is one available at this moment so I am thinking about buying it.. I got limited space for tarantulas, so I would like to make the best of it.
The problem is that Im relatively new to tarantulas ( 6 months of experience), I got 9 of them(all of them are NW), and the most skittish and aggressive is my Nhandu chromatus.
So I can say that I dont keep aggressive species.
I respect all my spiders, maybe Im even more cautious then I should be, and I dont handle them except when one of my avics decides to take a walk out of his enclosure.
The thing Im worried about is Poecilotherias speed and venom. Speed because I wouldnt like to lose such a valuable and beautiful spider just if he decided to bolt at one time that I wasnt ready for it.
And venom is even bigger problem..I can handle getting bit..and maybe to suffer few days from it.. But because of my other hobbies and work, I cant afford myself to be sick and out for 2 weeks or more..
And I know that noone can guarantee that he/she wont get bit one day...it can happen anytime.
Other problem about venom is that I feel responsible for my family and I dont want Poecilotheria on the loose in my home. No matter how small the chance for it to bite someone else is, if it happened, it would be my fault.
I have read many topics and all guides I could find about Poecilotherias..but Im well aware that nothing can prepare me for it like the animal itself.
So my question is..should I get a P. metallica or not? I have to decide by the day after tomorrow. Also, any advices or tricks about keeping the Poecilotheria safer are welcome.
In advance, I would like to thank you for the advice.
I have a chance to get a P.metallica sling (size 2-3cm, or about 1 inch)..And as I consider them to be one of the most beautiful tarantulas, and there is one available at this moment so I am thinking about buying it.. I got limited space for tarantulas, so I would like to make the best of it.
The problem is that Im relatively new to tarantulas ( 6 months of experience), I got 9 of them(all of them are NW), and the most skittish and aggressive is my Nhandu chromatus.
So I can say that I dont keep aggressive species.
I respect all my spiders, maybe Im even more cautious then I should be, and I dont handle them except when one of my avics decides to take a walk out of his enclosure.
The thing Im worried about is Poecilotherias speed and venom. Speed because I wouldnt like to lose such a valuable and beautiful spider just if he decided to bolt at one time that I wasnt ready for it.
And venom is even bigger problem..I can handle getting bit..and maybe to suffer few days from it.. But because of my other hobbies and work, I cant afford myself to be sick and out for 2 weeks or more..
And I know that noone can guarantee that he/she wont get bit one day...it can happen anytime.
Other problem about venom is that I feel responsible for my family and I dont want Poecilotheria on the loose in my home. No matter how small the chance for it to bite someone else is, if it happened, it would be my fault.
I have read many topics and all guides I could find about Poecilotherias..but Im well aware that nothing can prepare me for it like the animal itself.
So my question is..should I get a P. metallica or not? I have to decide by the day after tomorrow. Also, any advices or tricks about keeping the Poecilotheria safer are welcome.
In advance, I would like to thank you for the advice.