P. Metallica hernia update


Old Timer
Jul 16, 2008
sorry to hear

i wish there was a simple way to prevent serious injury from hernias
and cysts
hopefully someday well be able to do more to help them
and she was absolutely beautiful must of been heartbreaking to see her go like that:(


Old Timer
Sep 26, 2008
im going to make it a point when i get my degree in bio sci that even if arachnids arent my field i will use my free time to study ways to prevent this sort of thing casue it just plain sucks

sorry to hear about your loss. i wonder what tarantula heaven is like? i bet she has the most awesome hide and all the crickets she can chase, and of course boy tarantulas


Old Timer
Aug 23, 2007
...sorry to hear about your loss. i wonder what tarantula heaven is like? i bet she has the most awesome hide and all the crickets she can chase, and of course boy tarantulas
Ditto on that one. So sorry for your loss, it cuts to the bone. I sense she felt how much you wanted to help her.


Old Timer
Jan 21, 2008
So sorry to hear about your loss, thats really hard.

im going to make it a point when i get my degree in bio sci that even if arachnids arent my field i will use my free time to study ways to prevent this sort of thing casue it just plain sucks
I'm going into Vet Tech, and one of the reasons I originally started reading up on Ts is that I wanted to work with exotics and realized I knew nothing about them....now I own several. :D But I do hope I get to work at a practice were we can work on actually developing treatment plans for these sort of things, it would be nice if someone could go to a vet and know that their T can be treated by someone who has access to good information about them. Not many vets seem to know much about them, but maybe I can help work on that once I'm working in practice. A good vet is willing to take advice from a tech on things the tech may know more about, and we have a great exotics vet in town, published too, and its who I hope to work for. Would be nice to get him to do some work on Ts and get some treatment plans for these sort of things established for other vets to be able to use. Not sure how much can be done for them, but maybe with some work they can figure something out. Good dream anyway. And AB seems a good resource for information and contacts of people who have experience dealing with and attempting to treat things like this too, definitely a place to tap if I get a vet who is willing to try and work on this sort of thing!