P. lugardi egg sac hatched!


Old Timer
Jan 28, 2009
Story first...I received a P. lugardi about 3", unsexed, back in May 09. It had been eating normal, webbing up, etc. A couple of times while my son was feeding my Ts, it wouldn't except and food. So were thinking, pre molt. A couple of weeks went by and my son checks in on the P. lugardi, and says, "this thing looks smaller". I asked him if there was a shed skin in the container, and he replyed, "no". So I looked at the setup and right below where it, now "she" was sitting, I could see a faint orange color below a thick web mat. I told my son, "she" layed an egg sac, and I pointed it out. You can see the original video I posted on YouTube here. If you look close you can see the color. She never rolled the sack up, just covered it and sat there.

She layed the sac between July 29th and August 2nd. I had dated to pull the sac today, the 19th. I went to do so, and to my surprise, there were about a half dozen cute little orange cream colored slings walking about. I am so unprepared. I did ask for suggestions on the board here, but no responses. This is my first encounter with baby Ts. I would have to guess the ones I saw walking around are 1st instar, correct me if I am wrong. I plan to post a video of the babies later today when I get my camera back. So I will update you all later as to there progress.

But for now, I feel I need to pull momma from babies and hope none of the new borns escaped through her air vent holes. I put the container in a larger container just in case of any escapes. Thanks for reading.



Old Timer
Jan 28, 2009
P. lugardi Video update

Video of baby P. lugardi slings...


Jul 30, 2009
Bump for you man, where are the experts at??

Good luck with your brood!
