P. Irminia outing


Old Timer
Mar 3, 2003
Well i got out my 3 Inch P, Irminia today i needed to get her out to change her substrate som i thought i wanna hold her!

so i opened the side and edged her to crawl on the outside of the tank and she crawled onto my hand, ive never been so excited in all my life and at the same time quite scared, i was shaking a little and she was very active and kept crawling onto my hand,

so i give her to my friend so i could change the substrate, took a little while and she was getting annoyed, and threw poop accross the room lol. so we knew we had to hurry. before she went back in we took a piv with a camera phone cause we didnt have a tidy one which came out great :}

anyway my friend edged his hand at the door of her cage, but she dashed up the side of the cage and ontop, so i put my hand infront of her but she frooze........so i decided to try to edge her into a glass,put the glass into tge tank and she can climb out.....easier said than done :8o

i put the glass infront of her, and stupidily stroke her abdomen, which resulted in her spinning around, legs in the air and fangs out, never seen anything like it! oviously she was pissed lol, so we decided to slowly edge the glass over her, put a paper under and put her inside the tank and edge her out, we got the glass over and carefully put the paper under, all this time shes still in threat, so we put the glass in take away the paper and slid her out!

i finally held her, and im glad i did knowing what shes like when shes pissed =D dout ill do it anytime soon though lol

and shes fine and healthy and no signs of that white stuff so im hoping shes back to normal!


Old Timer
Jun 30, 2003
I know i wont handle any of my aggessive beasties,The hell with that!But well done.
I bet you wont do it when she gets abit of size on her LOL!;)


Old Timer
Feb 25, 2003
I know where you're coming from....

I had my Irminia for several months before talking myself into holding it; It was much like the experience you had.....Either way, a real rush! I love the way those psalmopeus' move!


Old Timer
Aug 21, 2003
I've never treated irminia as dangerous T, i now she's fast, but I don't think irminias are dangerous (in this situation she was seriously "disturbed" - it's justified circumstance of such behavior)

Maybe I'm wrong, mine is not agrresive



Old Timer
Feb 18, 2003
My irminia used to be a mean little bugger, gnashing his fangs if you so much as looked at him... but he's just matured into a beautiful male and the attitude has vanished. I could probably juggle with him and he wouldn't get annoyed... just a little dizzy.

Perhaps the poor little fella knows what's ahead of him and has lost his mind :p