P. fasciata mating questions


Old Timer
Feb 18, 2003
I have a female P. fasciata who has just moulted, and I think she may be ready to mate. Apparently these pokie's typically only grow to about 6" maximum and mine has a legspan of 5'5" inches at the moment so I'm guessing that she's most probably mature. Am I correct?

If she does turn out to be ready to mate, I'd like to know how difficult is it to mate pokies and would like some general advice on what to do and what not to do. I've never mated T's before, but feel that with a little advice and research that I will be able to do so.

Anyone got any handy helpful hints?


He Who Rules
Staff member
Jul 16, 2002
Hey LK,

I've never personally mated them myself, but have spoken with many people who have. From everything I have heard, any pokes are not species that you can put them together, watch them go at it and remove the male. Every time I have heard of people with breeding pokes, they have generally put them together and left them alone for a few days at least. If the male wasn't eaten after a few days, then they would generally remove him till he made another sperm web and then back in he went for another few days.

Hope that helps some,


Vayu Son

Avatar of Anansi
Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002

Hey lostkat,

I am breeding P.fasc within the next couple days. I will post the pics, the methods, and everything else.

Also, my female is 7"+, so im not sure where you got that 6" thing from.




Old Timer
Apr 16, 2003
I've also read and been told cohabitation is best for breeding pokies.I've had a male P.regalis(skinheadave's) cohabitating with my female for a month now.Mind you it's a fair sized enclosure with ample room to get away and hide from each other.The male's still in good shape.I think the male's had a fair bit of luck being with her for that long though....peace...


Old Timer
Feb 18, 2003
Re: ?><<

Originally posted by Vayu Son
Hey lostkat,

I am breeding P.fasc within the next couple days. I will post the pics, the methods, and everything else.

Also, my female is 7"+, so im not sure where you got that 6" thing from.


please please do :) That would be most helpful.

I think I'll wait for her to moult a couple more times until I mate her. Thanks for the advice. :)

Vayu Son

Avatar of Anansi
Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002

Ok, heres my experience.

The male was pretty eager... after second day of shark caging and letting him walk around her tank a little, he succesfully spun a sperm web.

The female seemed overly eager and responded almost immediately. They almost hooked up a few times, during these times she showed no signs of aggression, but was so eager and shaking that she actually fell OFF the glass, about an 8" drop. This happened again when she chased him outside the tank... they tried to breed on my G.rosea container, but she cought herself before she fell. I have video of both of these attempts in mpeg format but nowhere to host them.

After she fell the second time and he approached her, she slapped him and he fell. No injury.

Next attempt: he ran on the roof, she chased him around. She is very eager. lots of tapping.

After this attempt I decided to cohabitate since the controlled situations did not seem to be working. That was last night. They woke me up tapping about 5 times and I am fairly sure he got some insertions as I noticed a behavioral change this morning. He was preening, and she was no longer responding to taps. I will cohabitate them for a few more days and see if any more attempts will prove fruitful.

If anyone wants to host some small vid files of clumsy mating let me know.

Here are a few pics.

this is a decent shot of his palpal bulbs.



Atlanta Native

Old Timer
Aug 21, 2002
That's my boy! Your doing a great job. Thanks for keeping me informed! Let's hope for some slings!