owners who has had a T with DKS


Old Timer
Nov 7, 2009
ok guys so im always hearing of this statement

"no 1 noes what causes DKS"

and maybe this post wont help or pin point what causes it but its worth a try and after alot of replies im more than willing to put money into researching DKS and try and find what causes it...

but first i need people who have owned a T that has had DKS in there care ok soooooooo heres how i want this to work i dont want no high hooo comments from mr im always right saying this is pathetic or a stupid post if you wanna leave such a comment then i say this to you

"Jog on mate i dont see you doing any thing about this"

ok now iv cleared that up lol i want you guys to leave me a comment on the food source change of food water source general care size male or female substrate used hide used humidity levels room temp level and what species of T you have/had i want all details of there care even if you handled them how often

i promise you i will nor will any one else judge you on the care as im sure and more than positive you all cared for your T's so remember guys this aint a compotition on who cares the most ok its just a simple survey so please no judgeing or anything alike.

For those who have not had T's with DKS im very interested in your opinions on this 2... Do you think its possible to even get close to a ruf idea on whats happening and so on any info on DKS which you wish to leave i will look into it

[Edit] ok guys if you take things to heart do not read this although this does not apply to many of you at all if not none of you....

I started this post to get information on the conditions that T's live in and so on to try and put money into DKS research and im not talking a few hundred.. I set out to do this to try and help the hobby understand if not find a cure or somthing for this condition and all i have recived so far is "oh theres been posts on this before" belive me iv read them and do you no what i got from them "NOTHING" why is that well no 1 wants to help i duno maybe there afraid of being found out they dont care or maybe they find it affencive by the fact that no 1 noes whats really going on and someone is willing to go further to find out i duno i really dont

GUYS understand this "NO RESEARCH NO RESULTS" iv read the replys so far and i have seen some good points BUT if research is going to be done dont beat around the bush give it straight if a Dr asks you for your symptons and your living conditions and you beat around the bush ...Mis-diognosed but you give it straight you get results No 1 will ever get there if every 1 beats around the bush ok

so i gess what im saying is help me help T's if you dont want to help then do not post a reply

oready iv had alot of personal mail saying alot and oready im regreting wrighting this the posted open comments are great and this only applys to those who sent me private messege's, iv never had a T suffer from DKS all of them are healthy and well i do not deserve to be called "blind" for helping T's with DKS and trying to prevent this if i have to quit my research with the help of a few people willing to help along with you guys to then i will so far i have nothing other than maybe this or maybe that "not good enough" i need solid evidence to pass on or research will be stopped and DKS will never ever be understood with out any bodys help its your call guys [Edit]

thanks guys
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Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007
For those who have not had T's with DKS im very interested in your opinions on this 2... Do you think its possible to even get close to a ruf idea on whats happening and so on any info on DKS which you wish to leave i will look into it

thanks guys
It's not so much that nobody knows what causes it, nobody even knows what it is. There are a couple of threads like this floating around already, actually. I don't think people have been really keeping up with them though. Unfortunately, all we really know is that "DKS" is a collection of symptoms affecting motor skills. No significant connections have yet been made and really, nobody has determined if it is indeed a disease, the effects of some contaminant or some other cause entirely.

I think these symptoms are common to many different ailments a tarantula may be subject too and we're chasing our tails by making any assumptions that these cases are all connected. It's like fever and nausea in humans, how many different things give you fever and nausea? How many sicknesses cause death by high fever or dehydration? A bunch, that's how many. See my point?

In any case, I'm by no means dogging your attempt at discourse here. Perhaps this time something telling will be revealed.


Old Timer
Nov 7, 2009
In any case said:
i no mate im just trying really to find what is what and how and when if that makes sence for all we no it could be somthing that happens during the egg cycle or weather its humidity purposes and so on there could be 100 diffrent reasons to why DKS accures but if we all in all can pin point what causes or which things cause this then even that could be avoided it could be the simplest of things like deodrant being sprayed in your T room or some one had a cigarette in there any thing even the smallest of details could lead to a huge discovery and then scientist/hobbyist's could then work on a cure or some sort or 50/50 medication of some sort even the smallest of things could be the vital answer on DKS maybe a piece of contaminated food ?? who noes but until good people like you come forward with your opinions and so forth DKS will always be a mystery and more and more T's will die from somthing which could turn out to be the simplest of illnesses to heal although that is just a hope DKS could always be like a very very deadly cancer. the first good step towards DKS would be if it is really the actual DKS that kills the T does DKS just make the T weak before dying of a simple illness like cancer does in humans makes you weak then you die of something else finding these vital points would be a huge huge step to what DKS really is and how it effects a T and not just the obviouse symptoms but the more in depth symptoms there is so much research that needs doing and i just hope good people like you will come forward and maybe together well all find a vital discovery towards DKS were all in this together theres nothing more to it

cheers m8


Old Timer
Sep 20, 2009
There are a lot of threads exactly like this. If you actually want to "pin point" the cause and find a cure, please do so. I suggest you actually do some research and read past threads on this phenomenon first.

I've lost a sling to DKS. I kept it exactly the same as every other T I own. I have a sibling to it that is still alive and well. There's not a single thing that I can "pin point" to lead me in any direction as to what caused its death. There's the further issue that DKS is nothing more than a collective umbrella term for a symptom shown that almost always results in death. It's still unclear whether these symptoms are caused by the same thing or multiple separate issues. It is entirely possible that the DKS spasms are a typical pre-death response in tarantulas. Quite frankly, when it comes to DKS we don't even know where to start.

Just one last piece of advice, please use punctuation. It's incredibly difficult to read your posts.