ought oh


Old Timer
Apr 12, 2005
well FIREND called me today saying that a guy at the coledge has a ball python in a 50 g aqaurium, and does not want it anymore... he is giving me the whole set up for free. from what i understnad it is 2-3 feet long.

this will be my first python and have little to no experience, i have sand boas but they live in sand and do not require high humidity. any suggestions would be much appreciated.

no comes the fun part trying to fit it in ym room.......

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
ScorpZion said:
well FIREND called me today saying that a guy at the coledge has a ball python in a 50 g aqaurium, and does not want it anymore... he is giving me the whole set up for free. from what i understnad it is 2-3 feet long.
If fitting it into your room is a problem, a 50g is a bit too big for a ball python that size anyway. Mine's in the 2-3 foot range and has MORE than enough room in a 20 long.

They aren't particularly difficult to get the care right, but it will get very bad very fast if you get it wrong. Invest in a huge bag of scent-free aspen shavings, two or three inches of that will make for a good substrate. Aspen also helps keep humidity decent, if you cover about 70-90% of the screen lid with a towel. I do that and it's about 60% humidity all the time in there, perfect. If you notice them starting to look like a shed is nigh, soak a thick stack of 4-7 paper towels, wring it over the sink so it's not dripping, and slip it between the screen and the towel on top of the tank. It'll send humidity up to 80%+ which helps make the shedding go well.

A heating pad under one end of the tank should get the warm end about 90, while the cooler end (or wherever you put the cool-end hide, mine's in the middle) should be no less than 80. A snug-fitting hide cave of some sort should be on the warm end, with another on the 80ish area (this is where they will spend most of their time). Get as big a water bowl as will fit, and change it regularly. Some balls love to sit in the dish, though mine never has.

Other than that, the usual routine about feeding frozen/thawed rodents of as big a size as the thickest part of their body, feed in a seperate enclosure, etc. Feeding in a seperate enclosure becomes even more important when you use loose substrate like aspen, otherwise you risk some of it getting eaten and causing an ugly impaction. You can buy a cheap rubbermaid tub for this.

Ball pythons can be VERY picky about their food. You need to find out what it's eating now. If it's on mice, you'll have a time giving it rats (though it will need to be switched eventually as it grows). If it's on white mice and you give it a gray/brown feeder, it may well refuse--mine did this. {D

They are very sensitive to stress, and it will probably not eat for at least a week or two after you get it. As long as it's not losing weight, they can miss quite a few meals with no trouble. Just be patient, and give it peace and quiet until it settles in. No disturbances at all for at least a day before and after feeding, but otherwise you can begin handling it for short, gentle, quiet periods.

Once it gets used to you, you can keep it out for longer, or handle more often (though the rule about feeding day should stay forever). Mine's a total doll. :) Best of luck with yours!

Ms. Peaches

Old Timer
Feb 8, 2006
I would take a while to type up a complete care guide. Plus the person above pretty much gave you a good over view. I am open to any specific questions you may have, as they may come up. I do suggest you join some forums more specified to keeping snakes. Even though alot of us keep a variety of different critters, you will get more info at one of the other sites. That why when I started keeping T's I joined here.

I know the name sounds like its only for red tail boas but its not limited to them.

I post there under peaches1926


I post here under peaches

Hope to see you around the forums. Good luck with your new snake.