ornamental tree baboon????


Old Timer
Oct 22, 2004
ok i was just wondering if this was a different species...ornamental tree baboon ...i went to a pet store to buy 100 pinhead crickets and they had this t in a lil cage with this ame on it ..i looked at it and it didnt look any different then the orange starburst baboon...is there a difference?they had him for like $20 ..i was pretty upset i asked the guy to open the lock on the glass so i can see it better and he took the cage out and shook it all up to get it in the open ...so i took the cage to look at it ...figured it was safer in my hands the the hands of the punk kid who got it out...but anyways has anyone ever heard this name before i have not seen it in any sites i have checked

Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Usually, I would think that name would be for Heteroscodra maculata, however, if you're saying it looks like P. murinus (what I'm assuming from your use of yet another common name - see why common names are the devil's work? ;P), I'm going to guess not.

If it looks like a P. murinus, behaves like a P. murinus, odds are it is a P. murinus (or at least a similar African species). Maybe someone who knows Africans better than me has an idea on something other than P. murinus.


Old Timer
Oct 22, 2004
it was a lil darker then the ones i have here at home ..it was about an inch long and moved very fast . i guess i would say more of a brownish -orange.. the reason i was askin is cause i have 11 P. murinus s'lings that are doing very well and i have a g.rosea and if this was was different then i would have to just go back and buy it tomorrow but if it was the same as i have ..well 11 is enough ..really dont need 12 ..i was just curouis about this one (whis i had a pic of hime now would be easier for you cm to identify)but at the time i wasnt thinking...thx thought maybe they was passing a P. murinus off as another species...if im not mistaken i have only read about and found 5 different baboons...is this right?

Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
NightCrawler27 said:
it was a lil darker then the ones i have here at home ..it was about an inch long and moved very fast .
Ah! You didn't mention the size. H. maculata slings are sort of brown-orange, so you may indeed have an H. maculata sling.


Old Timer
Oct 22, 2004
They Kinda Look Like That ...i Tried To Take A Pic Of Them But It Didnt Come Out Good At All..1 Even Was Like A Brown With A Greenish Color On Its Legs At The Bottom (dont Know The Name But I Would Call It Its Foot)..ill Try And Get Some Pics And Post Them