I think he's talking metric not inches.and honestly the 45x45x45 is too big for any arboreal T imo. even the 30x30x30 is too.
Most people that use them use the 12x12x12 or the one up (i think its like 12x12x18 or something like that)
damnit :wall:
I've gotten 2 from my cousine 45x45x45 and ordered 2 30x30x30 on the web... guess im screwed
One good thing is I still have these bigass aquariums hanging about.. but .. it's a little more spacesaving with terrariums.. damnit
Is it easy to move the background? Can I move it back if I want to?if you wanted to use the exo terra's there is a way, but it would make the doors useless....take the background and move it so that it is against the doors instead of the back wall....then fill with lots of dirt, the access point would be from the top only, that would allow you the use of the tanks if you wanted to save space, and then if/when you decide to get rid of the terrestrials, you can use the tanks for something else (like lizards)....i had my rosie in a tank like the 45x45x45, she was ok with it, but she had 2 water dishes and a ton of hides....just my $0.02