Opened a sac a wee bit early


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2005
I have a L. geometricus sac that I've been incubating for awhile, so last night I decided to open it to see if it had post embryos.

Turns out they weren't L1 yet.

So I put it in a setup that I'd use to incubate a opened tarantula sac, but I'm not quite sure what to do since it's NOT a tarantula sac.

The eggs are currently in their sac, inside a sealed delicup inside another container lined with a moist paper towel, sitting on top of a roach enclosure about a foot away from a 75W heat lamp (don't worry...the lamp is facing into the roach colony and not directly at the eggs).

Any suggestions?

I'm a latro-noob. :)


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
I actually used true spider eggs for test runs with the setup I use now for my T eggs. I found that you can remove the eggs from the sac into a cupcake liner and once that is done place that into a plastic cup. Then take any container that will fit that cup and line it with wet paper towels, then place the setup with the eggs in that. Cover it with a lid that has a few holes in it and once or twice a day swirl the eggs gently. They all evenly rotate and it should not take to much longer for them to hatch out.

I hatched local orb weaver eggs and a few other unknown eggs sacs this way before moving on to using the same setup for T eggs. Works like a charm!

Your setup sounds like it should work fine to though. Just make sure that heat lamp is not that close, their eggs seem to be more prone to drying out.

You got to take pics! I love watching true spiders hatch out. They are very interesting.