does anybody know of any online snake dealers that have more than just boas and pythons and are cheap? all the sites i've been on are in the three-four hundreds range. any help is appreciated.
What exactly are you looking for? Much easier to find something once you have a species picked out. Lemme know what you are looking for and maybe I can point you in the right direction
Did you look at the gigantic lists of breeder/dealer reviews you were given in the other thread? Going through various sites with good reviews will eventually give you what you're looking for. "King snakes, corn snakes, or bull snakes" is too vague for anyone to point you at a specific site.
However, be aware that if you're looking at fancy morphs and the like, you just aren't going to get those very cheap most of the time, no matter where you go.
Don Soderberg at South Mountain has Corns and a few other species at reasonable prices.
VMS Herps here in Colorado has a wide variety of species at reasonable prices for most of them.
If you knew specifically what you are looking for, at what price range, we might be able to be of more assistance.
Also check to see if any reptile shows are coming to your area. You should be able to find a lot of reptiles priced at a competitive price.
I'm itchin to buy my first snake (albino sand boa) but I have at least two reptile shows coming up so I'm trying to hold out for those... One is only a month away. Can't wait to get a boa!!
Try they have a few you may like. Also look on craigslist. You'll be surprised on what you find there and a lot of times it is cheaper than a dealer. I got a western hognose, savanna monitor, and a bearded dragon all of them with their cages and lights for $100. Good luck.
Craigslist is great! I'm picking up a free 3 year old female sand boa today. Cage and everything included! Woohoo!
Try a reptile rescue in your area maybe. They often have unusual snakes. The one in my town sometimes gets entire snake collections given to them.
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