One month suspension for posting in the right forum...

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Old Timer
Apr 9, 2004
What a joke this world is coming to when a mod and admin ban you for a month when you post your molting pics in a molting forum and they get mad.

See what these boards are coming to now.

What freakin ever!


She Who Rules AKA Thread Killer
Staff member
Jul 17, 2002

It has been explained to you over and over again in private PMs, as to why you are being suspended.

Let me spell it out for you and everyone else, seeing as you want to bring this public.

There is NO molting forum on this site. Your post was moved (NOT deleted) to a different forum as we felt it was better served in the picture forum. Your molting post consisted of pictures, hence why it was moved to the picture forum.

However, this is NOT why you are being suspended. Once again, you are being suspended for breaking rule #9 in the rules forum, stating NOT to call out a mod in public. This very post disregards that rule again. Here is a link for you to view the rules again:

Pay close attention to rule #9, as this is the ONLY reason you are being suspended. We have tried to keep this private with you, as it is no one elses business, but you keep insisting so I will let everyone know the truth and not your misinterpretation.

Please let this be an example to all of the members here. There are plenty of ways to contact us if anyone has any problems or questions. There is no need for airing all of this dirty laundry publically.

The Other Owner
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