Ok This is my 2 year old daughters First Pet


Old Timer
May 15, 2008
I have loved spiders all my life, having spiders in jars, catching flies for them ect. So when I took my 2 year old to the pet store for her first pet I was so happy when she liked the spiders the most!:clap:

I started looking around for the perfect T and found this 1.25~ at the local pet store. We paid lots for it but whatev...$54.99 CAN with of course the little trarium.

We got it may 14/08 and it has ate 2 little cricketts already.

I just put this 10 gallon together for *crosses fingers* HER.

She seems to like it it actually hunted a crickett and took it into her little house.

Well cheers for now more pics to folo as things progress:)
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Old Timer
Feb 6, 2007
Looks pretty good so far. What species is it, Brachy maybe?

A few tips you might want to consider:

-the tank is the main thing you might want to change. I would switch it to a deli jar or the smallest KK you can find. Use cocohusk or an organic soil with no fertilizers or pesticides. Fill the enclosure with substrate so that the space between the floor and the ceiling is roughly one and a half body lengths of your T. This will ensure that if the T falls then it won't damage/rupture its delicate body. The size of the tank should be fairly small (I like it to be about 3 body lengths long on the floor) because large spaces make Ts feel over exposed and they stress out (which can be deadly in some cases).

-downgrade the water bowl to a shallow bottle cap

-the hide looks great so no changes there

-feed it 2-4 crickets per week depending on how fat it's getting. if it stops eating, don't be alarmed because it's in premolt and that can last a few weeks to a few months. after the molt, don't feed it until its fangs have hardened and turned completely black.

-the last thing: now you have one, just try to stop yourself from getting more ;P :} ;P


Old Timer
Oct 4, 2005
I agree, that is way more room than a tiny one like that needs, with that much room it could become difficult for the little one to find its food.
Second, get rid of the sharp pieces of bark, organic peat moss, or bed a beast are much better substrate for a T.
And the water dish is to big, get a smaller, shallower one and put a couple of small pieces of gravel in the bottom so if little ones crickets find their way into the dish the can get out without drowing.
He or she is very adorable!! Congratulations on the new T in the family!!!!!!!!


Old Timer
May 15, 2008
Looks pretty good so far. What species is it, Brachy maybe?

A few tips you might want to consider:

-the tank is the main thing you might want to change. I would switch it to a deli jar or the smallest KK you can find. Use cocohusk or an organic soil with no fertilizers or pesticides. Fill the enclosure with substrate so that the space between the floor and the ceiling is roughly one and a half body lengths of your T. This will ensure that if the T falls then it won't damage/rupture its delicate body. The size of the tank should be fairly small (I like it to be about 3 body lengths long on the floor) because large spaces make Ts feel over exposed and they stress out (which can be deadly in some cases).

-downgrade the water bowl to a shallow bottle cap

-the hide looks great so no changes there

-feed it 2-4 crickets per week depending on how fat it's getting. if it stops eating, don't be alarmed because it's in premolt and that can last a few weeks to a few months. after the molt, don't feed it until its fangs have hardened and turned completely black.

-the last thing: now you have one, just try to stop yourself from getting more ;P :} ;P
Ha ha great advise thank you :worship:

It is too true I just got back from the pet store they have a nice pink toe.



Old Timer
May 15, 2008
Well That was great advice and I guess I just got a little excited about owning a new B.Smithi.

So here is her new home:)
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Old Timer
Mar 25, 2008
Get him a hide where is isn't always exposed to the open, T's hate that alot.


Old Timer
Dec 23, 2007
oh i didn't notice the woodchips... its not really woodchips but i would still use something like coco-peat or something like that, make sure they have no pesticides or anything nasty in the soil, when i got my 1st T, i stuffed the soil up 5 times;)


Old Timer
May 15, 2008
All that is in there is 100% peat but it is clumped together. It is fairly old stuff. I think I am going to get husks, or the dude at the pet store says he uses lizard sand? What about that stuff?