ok no more silk plants for me!!


Old Timer
Jun 28, 2003
well I just happened to look in my A.Avic tarranium just now and I found him/her with a toe caught in one of the leaves and she was hangin from it...I took the plant and him/her out and freed it but im not sure if its goin to make it...damn it all to hell im havin no luck here...has anyone else had a problem like this?


P.S.-2 spiders in 1 day.....Is god tellin me something?


Old Timer
Jun 23, 2003
Hey man, Sorry to hear the bad news and i have used silk plants before and i have`nt had that prob before.But now i know what problems they can cause.....



Old Timer
Mar 14, 2003
I can tell you I tried silk plants for Pandora and she just didn't like them. She would spend her time clinging to the walls pf her Pet Pal as far away from them as possible. So I took them out and she resumed her web making.


Old Timer
Oct 9, 2002
HI Psycho,

I've found that rubber tree plants or pothos plants work great in a tank, as long as you keep them watered of course, and the avics LOVE them! The pothos they tend to web the leaves together and make a hide, and the rubber tree plants they do the same, but the rubber tree plants are much sturdier. Rubber tree plants are much hardier than pothos, if you don't have time to make sure the pothos are watered. They require about 5 inches of substrate for their roots, of course. I place them in the center of an inverted 10 gallon tank, and hold the substrate in with cardboard. I add a waterdish and just overfill it. It helps if the substrate is moistened a bit to keep the water from spilling out of the tank, or you can use aquarium sealant and cut a piece of plastic and place it in there to hold in the substrate and avoid leakage. Also, pothos and rubber tree plants put out oxygen and have natural anti-insecticide properties to boot.

At any rate, I highly recommend natural plants as opposed to silk ones.

Sorry to hear about your avics accident! I would make sure she gets hydrated by placing her near some water. When a t wears itself out struggling, since they move by water hydraulic, sometimes the exhaustion can be a sign of dehydration, using up all their energy, oxygen depleted from their water. I usually will place an exhausted t in a sink where it can get a drink. If it has the strength it will drink. I give it some time while watching it to drink. Make sure the abdomen stays out of the water, especially if the t hasn't the strength to move the abdomen away from it. Hopefully she pulls through!

Best wishes,



Old Timer
Feb 22, 2003
Psycho, I recieved an adult female Avicularia Geroldi, it'd been packed badly, and due to this lost an entire leg in the post. Anyway, the spider is doing fine with seven legs (I've had her for 3 weeks or so) so don't give up hope on it!

I did notice the excessive thirst though, so keep it nice and misty.


Old Timer
Jun 28, 2003
Yeah I think she's probably dead... I misted her good last night and did the same today, but she doesn't move at all when poked or misted.... so I think she's gone. Damnit..... if I loose any more any time soon I'm just gonna give up :( :( Too many sick and dying animals.... 2 sick agamas, a monitor with a shed problem.... had 3 t's die on me total now, and the damn herp vets on vacation til Aug 6th.... dont know if the agamas will make it that long :( :mad:



Old Timer
Jun 22, 2003
Bummer man, I have only had one pinktoe die on me. It molted and fell:( It turned out to be a male, so no bad. I still felt bad. Are plastic plants ok?


Old Timer
Oct 9, 2002
Originally posted by Psycho
Yeah I think she's probably dead... I misted her good last night and did the same today, but she doesn't move at all when poked or misted.... so I think she's gone. Damnit..... if I loose any more any time soon I'm just gonna give up :( :( Too many sick and dying animals.... 2 sick agamas, a monitor with a shed problem.... had 3 t's die on me total now, and the damn herp vets on vacation til Aug 6th.... dont know if the agamas will make it that long :( :mad:

Hi Psycho,

It's not a good idea to mist directly on the tarantula. Rather you want to place her mouthparts directly into water. Another thing you can try, if she's not obviously gone is to place her in a delicup with very moist paper towels.

Are her legs curled under her body?

The monitor can be helped by water intake, as the shed is accomplished by there being enough water in the animals system to form a layer of moisture between the two skins. You would want to remove any heating pads or anything like that which will dry out the animal, even if the humidity is high. An increase of humidity won't hurt when it comes to a bad shed, and may help, but removal of any heat pads is necessary. A long bath in lukewarm water may help remove the shed skin that didn't get cast off. Also, a rough object for them to rub against also aids in them casting off the skin. It's important for you to stay with the animal during this bath to ensure it doesn't panic and drown. You can actually bathe a reptile this way for up to 24 hours. Some bathe themselves for several days at a time when it comes time to shed. If you attempt to remove any of the shed manually, you need to be very careful. Sometimes it's better just to increase water intake, humidity, baths, and allow the animal to up it's water level internally. This will facilitate a second shed. Removing shed skin by hand from sensitive areas can turn out to be a bad thing. One bad shed can cause problems, such as infections between skins. However, if it ends up being repeated bad sheds, this can lead to even more serious problems for the animal. I hope this helps some. Do you know what species of monitor it is?

I'm sorry to hear you're having such a difficult time with your animals! Sometimes that goes with the territory. I've had bouts of deaths and illnesses amongst my animals before in the past as well.

I hope your reptiles get better soon!!

Best wishes,



Old Timer
Jun 28, 2003
No her legs aren't curled under her. If they're not dead will they still just lay there and not move? It sucks that you cant see T's breathe or anything lol. I bathe and excessively spray my monitor. I think the shed problem was caused by the crappy way he was kept at a local pet store. Right now i have 1/2 sand 1/2 wet potting soil in his enclosure along with a water dish the size of a cat litter box. And the vet's gonna have a lot of fun with me lol. Have 5 repts I'm gonna bring into him. Thanks for all the help!!



Old Timer
Oct 9, 2002
Gotta love them pet stores that are unwilling to research the animals they sell!

Anytime, Psycho, and I'm sorry I couldn't be of more assistance!

Best wishes,



Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
Originally posted by Psycho
Yeah I think she's probably dead... I misted her good last night and did the same today, but she doesn't move at all when poked or misted.... so I think she's gone. Damnit..... if I loose any more any time soon I'm just gonna give up :( :( Too many sick and dying animals.... 2 sick agamas, a monitor with a shed problem.... had 3 t's die on me total now, and the damn herp vets on vacation til Aug 6th.... dont know if the agamas will make it that long :( :mad:

I use a single silk leaf in my avic enclosures for them to web up and have not had any problems to date. I also use silk plants in adult t enclosures with no problems.
I have recently lost:
an adult female m. robustum
adult female g. pulchra
adult female a. moderatum
probably as a result of when I let everything dry out to try and control a phorid fly infestation.


Old Timer
Jun 28, 2003

ok guys heres the sad realization of our animals:

A.Avic: Dead most likely due to dehidration....Alotta the day he/she spent behind the silk plants and couldnt really see him/her and never thaught this would be a problem. This is another reason why I wont use silk plants no more

Red headed Agama: Dead due to infections starting in the internal organs..kinda sad to think local pet stores dont sit on their animals to make sure they are healthy.

we havent owned neither one of the pets long either... pretty sad:(
