ohh no my olive millipede somebody help!!!

roach dude

Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
help me please!!!!!!!!!

my olive millipede theres something wrong its just lying there not doing anything its legs and body is all stiff!!!! it rarly moves and when it does it dosent walk it just tumbles n curls up. ive only had it 3 weeks. i keep it in with my cockroaches but i dont see why that would be a prblem i only have 8 and the shop did it and the shopkeeper said it would be ok. anyboady with suggetions could you kindly help!!!!!!!

help me!!!!!!!


Old Timer
Jun 30, 2005
Unfortunately, with millipedes, there isn't much you can do when they get sick like that. It could hold on for months, or it could die tomorrow.

All that I could suggest doing is putting him in his own tank, with some sterile substrate. Try upping the moisture level and keeping the enclosure at least 80% covered. You might also add a filled water dish (put in some pebbles too, so he doesn't drown), just in case he's suffering desication. Get the tempreature up to around 80 degrees F. Put in some cucumbers and see if he attempts to eat. If he was kept with cockroaches, it could be that they have been getting all the food before he gets a shot at it...although millipedes should be able to go without food for quite some time. Good luck.

roach dude

Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
hey thanks for the help but i did all that stuff and i thinks hes now definatly DEAD. i only had him for like 3 weeks :( i think it wasnt because he wasnt getting enoth food he was always on the lettuce and cutcumber befor the cockroaches!! o well!thanks anyway


Old Timer
Jun 30, 2005
It's probably not your fault. The only pedes I've ever had die on me did it within a week or two of purchase. So it was probably a care problem with the dealer, wholesaler, importer, or someone else along the line. He was probably already on the way out when you bought him. Go talk to the people at the place where you got him. At worst, they'll tell you to beat it; but you might be able to get a replacement pede out of it too. Its worth a try.