I have 4 A. versi all from the same sac. 1 has grown alot bigger than the other three with the same feeding etc.
these T's are awesome throughout their lifespan.
This is Phoebe, she is my largest A versi gal at close to 5", I have four females, 1 juvie male and 3 slings. Yeah I like versi's, hell I like avis period.
When you want a splash of color, there aren't many T's that can compare.
My versi, Speedy, on a stroll across my fingers ... he and I won't be indulging in outings like this again, for a while anyway - Speedy thinks he's Rocky the Flying Squirrel and both times I've coaxed him out of his cubicle, naively thinking he would warm up to me like a parrot perching sedately on a pirate's shoulder, he took a soaring skydive down into the dark hinterlands of the room instead. I was lucky (so was he) and I got him back safely home both times, but until somebody invents bungee cords for versis, I won't be pressing our luck for a third!
i sadly dont have any pics of my little blue berries
my two came from a member here and i love the to pieces! their getting some good size now...both are 1" or so big now and i think also in premolt
i love my little furry blue berries! i love all my avics(have 2 versi's and 2 avic avics) but i really a sucker for the versi's
Their names are Aristotle and Eon and both will take crix from my tongs which i love and like Killy i don't have them out anymore as most of time when out(they usually come out when i trying to remove a bolus) the speed around and dive bomb the table their vials sit on. they may not be old worlds but their still pretty fast
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