So I did a search and found lots of helpfull information but I was wondering if a bigger enclosure or a smaller enclosure is best? maybe someone who has done this can share their experience.
OBTs are "tolerant" rather than "communal" so you want to keep them in a small enclosure where constant contact with other individuals is maintained, so that they can't establish their own territories and become defensive of them
Teal is correct about OBT's being tolerant rather than communal. Something to keep in mind in using the technique of crowding them to prevent territoriality from being carried out is that you may be creating unnatural stresses on them by forcing them into crowded conditions. That in turn may have health consequences for the tarantulas. If so, the results may include impacting normal growth, reproduction, longevity, susceptibility to diseases or parasites, etc. A tank full of OBTs would look cool, and I may try it some day, but if I do it will be in a large enough cage that allows for more territories. If they can't tolerate each other when they have a choice, I'll separate them.
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