O Hannah Visitor

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
A little fancy dance stepping as I lift a planter to note it eyeing my leg from a foot away. Dash up to grab camera, get back, unscrew up the settings my partner always leaves the camera in and... there it went. (Just below the hose, center)
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Apr 2, 2012
Recently saw one of these behind thick glass at the Toronto Zoo. Impressive sized animal, looked very capable. Of course it was just in a nice resting position, so didn't look overly intimidating.

Can't imagine finding one in my yard. Nor taking a quick pic of one! Kudos! (also, stay safe!)

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Later in the evening we were out in the yard in 'snake precaution' mode, only walking where we could see it was safe at a slow pace when the snake came out of it's hide against the house and passed us about 10 feet away. It completely ignored us. Except mating and egg/baby time they are really calm inoffensive animals. Juveniles as this one, about a 5 footer, especially so. It has reasoned we aren't a real and present danger and just goes on about it's business. Very amazing smart creatures far above all other snakes I can think of on the mentality level.

This was reflected when I encountered it earlier, coiled under that planter. It didn't raise it's head, mandatory for a cobra to be able to bite, but just watched me. Had that been a local viper or just about any rattler... very different story.
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Dec 10, 2010
Later in the evening we were out in the yard in 'snake precaution' mode, only walking where we could see it was safe at a slow pace when the snake came out of it's hide against the house and passed us about 10 feet away. It completely ignored us. Except mating and egg/baby time they are really calm inoffensive animals. Juveniles as this one, about a 5 footer, especially so. It has reasoned we aren't a real and present danger and just goes on about it's business. Very amazing smart creatures far above all other snakes I can think of on the mentality level.

This was reflected when I encountered it earlier, coiled under that planter. It didn't raise it's head, mandatory for a cobra to be able to bite, but just watched me. Had that been a local viper or just about any rattler... very different story.
Immediate reflex from my spine: "Grab that tail!!!" :D