Now I have seen it all!!!


Old Timer
Jul 16, 2008
I was just tidying out my G. rosea's tank and changing her water. She must have woken up cranky this morning (usually she's a typically docile rosie!), as she launched into a massive threat pose that would have made my P. regalis so proud of her!!

Trouble is, she was doing it hanging almost upside down off a piece of cork bark, so it kind of looked like she was doing something at the gym!!!! :D

Wish I'd had my camera to hand, but I think I would have been laughing too much to take a photo anyway! :h:

What do your T's do that make you laugh? :)


Old Timer
Oct 18, 2007
One of my OBTs is always good for a laugh when it throws a threat posture. I usually remove the lid from its KK and use tweezers to pull out the water dish. The OBT will then run to the water dish and grab onto it while I'm pulling it out, then it will retreat to its hide. After refilling the dish, I'll put it back in its spot and the OBT will then run out of its hide and to the highest point of its tank and raise its legs at me. About seven times out of ten, it will lean back so far, that it'll fall on its back (onto a safety net) and stay like that for a good twenty minutes.


A few weeks ago, I was feeding my Ts and my wife walked into the kitchen while I was doing so. She hadn't seen my rosie's eggsac, so I told her to wait a second before leaving while I pulled down my rosie's tank. I removed the lid and my wife oohed and awed while I removed the water dish and refilled it. I placed it back in its spot and Tari (my rosie) walked over to it for a drink. Then she walked around a little bit more, like she was looking for something. My wife was asking a few questions about raising slings, etc. and then she said she had never seen Tari move that much the whole time that I've had her.

As she said that, Tari turned and started walking toward me. She walked past her eggsac and past the crater that she had it in and kept going. It looked like she was looking to get out of her tank. I bent down a little and pointed at her and said, "Tari, where are you going? Staaaaaay. Turn around and go back to your eggs." Immediately, that's exactly what she did! {D


Old Timer
Oct 4, 2005
Our adult female A. seemani has an unhealthy relationship with her water dish, and taking it away from her to fill or clean it is usually interesting. As soon as the tweezers touch the dish she is out of her hide like a shot. She jumps on or into the dish, then I have to try to scoot her out, when I finally manage, it develops into a tug of war, her pulling the dish back in and me trying to pull it out.
I don't take it out unless I must, just because she comes so unglued over it.


Jul 1, 2008
Whenever its time for me to clean the waterdish my, G.aureostriata would come out from its self-made "burrow" and kick some substrate into waterdish.. Apart from that, he just pick up his "garbage" (his left-over food) and his exo-skeleton and put it in the waterdish... Then he just went back to his burrow, minding his own business..

And i felt like he's treating me like a garbage man..but come to think about it, its funny thou..