Now Have All 4 Of My First T's... S.names & My Names..


Old Timer
Jul 5, 2009
For anyone that cares (lol I'm excited atleast), and some of you may call me crazy for what I got as first T's (all within about 2 weeks of each other) - BUT I researched heavily and still am researching and I'm fascinated and so glad I picked these exotics. --> a while back I was deciding what type of aquarium-ish dwelling type pet to get; rodents smell, fish are high maintenance (but will get fish in the far future), snakes & lizards too expensive (for what I wanted) compared to Ts and scorps, and I chose T's

These are my Ts:

Ozzy - A.Versicolor (biggest, over an inch, beautiful)

Wario - OBT (never see anything but its front legs)

Gizmo - GBB
(love this guy, took housing the best of all of them, webbed up within 2mins of getting in his new spot)

Koopa - P.Subfusca (2nd biggest, VERY interesting "personality" compared to the others)

:clap: :D :clap: :D