Not understandin.....????


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
I’m very confused, do BCIs have mood swings? Just last night before I went out between 7pm and 8:24pm I went in my snake lair (AKA a closet with snakes in it lol) and I was at first just checking up on the snakes and misting the ones in shed mode.

Of course K.S.A. wants to act like I JUST took him out the bag. He was inside his enclosure making a lot of hissing noises, puffing his body up to make him self look bigger and striking at the side of the enclosure when he thought I’d be too close.

So what I did was left him alone for 10 minutes to see if he would calm down. So I came back and he still being Mr. Tough guy…left for 10 more minutes and came back again he was still on that imaginary Popeye spinach lol.

So after the second time I just left him alone clearly he didn’t want to be bothered. So I’m really hoping in my mind that, he doesn’t keep this habit up once he reaches three or four feet because those teeth may end up being as long as my pinky finger and I don’t need any at home surgeries done by Doctor K.S.A. lol…

Did I do something wrong? Like should I have tried to hold him at the time he was striking at me to show him that, that isn’t going to get me to go away and he should just calm down?

Or did I do the right thing by leaving him alone this time?

So what I did now is I took him out of his enclosure to hold him for a few minutes and before I took him out I put on my gloves and a long sleeve shirt just in case he ended up biting me. Oddly enough, he was acting as if last night never happened. He didn’t hiss, strike or even puff up his body.

So I beg to ask again….Do BCIs have mood swings or do they just not mind being held at certain times of the day? Since he was being good I took some pictures of him.

Oh yea, I forgot to mention at certain times of me holding him today he would try to hide his head but then a few seconds later he would explore and try to go up my arm. However, since I don’t feel too safe with him (yet) I kept him at a distance and away from my face.

This whole biting phase, is it the nippy stage of BCIs? Or do they not have one?
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Old Timer
Oct 4, 2005
How big is he? How long have you had him? How often do you handle him? I don't think he is having mood swings, but he was making it clear he didn't want to be handled or bothered and you were wise to listen.
Most of my exotics will make it clear at times they don't wish to be handled. I've had birds, snakes, and even tarantulas make it clear to me that they didn't wish to be handled at a particular time, then when I've gone back later, everything is fine.
Something had your snake unhappy, you might never figure out what, but he was giving out clear signs to you. I'm glad you payed attention. He could have, and might have, bitten you if you had pushed him.
Sometimes they just don't want to be held.


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
How big is he? How long have you had him? How often do you handle him? I don't think he is having mood swings, but he was making it clear he didn't want to be handled or bothered and you were wise to listen.
Most of my exotics will make it clear at times they don't wish to be handled. I've had birds, snakes, and even tarantulas make it clear to me that they didn't wish to be handled at a particular time, then when I've gone back later, everything is fine.
Something had your snake unhappy, you might never figure out what, but he was giving out clear signs to you. I'm glad you payed attention. He could have, and might have, bitten you if you had pushed him.
Sometimes they just don't want to be held.
he is actually long and slender but he is only 6 months this month. I recieved him from and I got him on wednesday morning.

next wednesday will be a week I have had him. Monday would be feeding day but but i havent brought my pre - killed rodents yet. so hopefully I'll be buying them this week.

I try not to handle him a lot in one day but if i had to give an estimate i hold him 2 -3 times a day every day..if id ont have long to hold him in one day i hold him for longer times that day.


Old Timer
Jun 17, 2008
is he one of the ones in shed mode if so there is your answer cause they usually shed every 2-3 months that would fit the time frame


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
is he one of the ones in shed mode if so there is your answer cause they usually shed every 2-3 months that would fit the time frame
Nope, the female is the one in shed mode and my other unsexed boa that i had recieved from a friend is in shed mode. his eyes ar perfectly white with the normal coloring.

plus, my unsexed boa in shed mode even before it went into shed and while its in shed now acts the same all the time. but then again all snakes do have different personalities


Old Timer
Jun 17, 2008
Nope, the female is the one in shed mode and my other unsexed boa that i had recieved from a friend is in shed mode. his eyes ar perfectly white with the normal coloring.

plus, my unsexed boa in shed mode even before it went into shed and while its in shed now acts the same all the time. but then again all snakes do have different personalities
When was the last time it was fed what is your feeding schedule have you changed the temp bedding introduced any new snakes


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
When was the last time it was fed what is your feeding schedule have you changed the temp bedding introduced any new snakes
The last time he was fed was 8/27/08 before he was shipped to me. I recieved him this past wednesday and I wanted to wait at least until monday to let him settle in before i feed him again.

When I start feeding him and the female I got with him it will be every five days.

The temps since it got here have been the same. however today I'm going to try my best to get down to petco and get two thermometers and two heatmats.

And the bedding doesnt need to be changed because netiher of the new snakes have soiled their paper or their water dishes so everything is still clean.

and since i got them i havent recieved any new snakes. before they came all i had was my boa that i got from my friend, a ball python, my brazilian rainbow boa and a king snake. the kingsnake i have moved out of there cause i dont like handling him knowing he smells the other snakes in the room so he is in a room all by his self.


Old Timer
Jun 17, 2008
The last time he was fed was 8/27/08 before he was shipped to me. I recieved him this past wednesday and I wanted to wait at least until monday to let him settle in before i feed him again.

When I start feeding him and the female I got with him it will be every five days.

The temps since it got here have been the same. however today I'm going to try my best to get down to petco and get two thermometers and two heatmats.

And the bedding doesnt need to be changed because netiher of the new snakes have soiled their paper or their water dishes so everything is still clean.

and since i got them i havent recieved any new snakes. before they came all i had was my boa that i got from my friend, a ball python, my brazilian rainbow boa and a king snake. the kingsnake i have moved out of there cause i dont like handling him knowing he smells the other snakes in the room so he is in a room all by his self.
OK the thermometer is a good idea if you have a petsmart they have heat mats on sale this week i just picked up a few fyi I would say it might just still be stressed from the trip i dunno though


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
Alright well they are doing much better now with the biting, i havent gotten hissed at,striked at or bitten in a few days.

What I have been doing to calm them down is since they fit in my hand one at a time i hold them in my hand and gently pet them with the other hand.

once i see they are getting the slighest bit nervous i i cup them between both hands so its all dark around them and i leave them in darkness for a few seconds until they have calmed down and then i pet them again.

This really seems to be working so I'm going to stick with it.

Here she is in my hand, i love the picture of her looking directly at the Camera.

other one is her over head view


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2008
Alright well they are doing much better now with the biting, i havent gotten hissed at,striked at or bitten in a few days.

I think this is because I have not posted on this thread till now:D


Old Timer
Oct 4, 2005
It sounds to me like you are handling it to much. When you get a new snake it should be totally left alone for at least a week so it can settle in to its new home.
Did you give the snake any time to adjust?


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
It sounds to me like you are handling it to much. When you get a new snake it should be totally left alone for at least a week so it can settle in to its new home.
Did you give the snake any time to adjust?
Yes I did give them adjusting time
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Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
Yes I did give them adjusting time
you said were handling them 2-3 times a day after only having them for 3 days (at the most, as it sounds like you were handling them before the 6th). that isn't really an appropriate amount of time for adjustment. :embarrassed: