Not sure if my giant Mexican red knee is dead or not


Jul 20, 2023
Hi everyone. This is my very first tarantula, his name is Jeepers. I got him from PetCo in November 2022 and it's been a little bit of a rocky road figuring out his body language and how to care for him properly. He was a gift from my sister and the first issue is that they sold us the wrong enclosure, it has a screen top and is a little too large for him at this age; I haven't been able to afford to get a plexiglass topped one, I wasn't too worried about the size because I figured he would grow into it but I think I made a huge mistake and didn't put enough substrate in the last time I deep cleaned. I cleaned it last May when he molted for the first time (in the time I've had him). Before he molted, he was very skittish and didn't like to eat very often, but afterwards, he was a VERY good eater, pouncing immediately on any cricket I gave him. He was acting normal, looked very relaxed, saw him drink water and lay around in his big hides.

Last week, the 13th, I gave him one medium cricket. The next day, I got strep throat. I didn't notice that he wasn't eating the cricket because I was sick, but turns out the cricket was in there terrorizing him for four days before I realized. I took it out, noticed he was stress scrunching / hiding behind his legs, standing on his tip toes, basically acting very stressed out. He hasn't rejected food in months, it's very abnormal. He also had not climbed the walls in a loooong time (which is why I stupidly didn't think adding more substrate would be necessary for the time being) but once the cricket was gone he started climbing immediately and constantly. At one point I found him literally hanging from the screen ceiling of the enclosure from his front legs, either because he slipped or was too weak to hold himself up; a few minutes later he hoisted his back end up. But for a day or two overall he was acting very sluggish and stressed and even had a very odd "ragdoll" behavior with his legs where he looked like he didn't care how he was positioned, just trying to stay up on the ceiling. That was yesterday. I told myself last night if he was still climbing I would put him into a smaller container. I waited because before his molt, he occasionally would do this before calming back down and I didn't want to further stress / make it worse him by forcing him to move into a small container.

This morning, I found him like this. (In the photos he is lying on his back, not doing a death curl just has his legs straight up in the air.) I haven't touched him but he is not moving at all and I fear he fell and got gravely injured and is probably dead or close to it. I read that they don't always do the death curl when they die suddenly. My sister told her coworker, who has several terrestrial tarantulas, and that coworker believes he is about to molt again. Could that be the case? Even though he just molted two months ago and there was seven months of no molts before that? I really have no idea what to do and I feel terrible if I accidentally killed him. Literally been crying all morning lmao. I just don't know if he is certainly dead or if I should wait to see if he's molting.



Arachnosupporter +
Nov 2, 2009
Funny, we have a Ms. Jeepers. B. klaasi.

Its just molting. Don't bug it. Make sure the exoskeleton hardens up before feeding again- about 2 weeks. Just to be safe. Keep water dish full. If you can get the molt after its done look here to see if its male or female.
This is female, males have nothing.



Fiery but Mostly Peaceful
Nov 7, 2019
I don't think it's molting again after only two months, and I don't see a molt mat either.

Fair warning, you have some harsh criticism coming your way.
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Jun 25, 2023
could be molting, so leave it alone for a day or two, and if it doesn’t move, or stinks, safe to say it passed away


Oct 20, 2019
I don't think it's molting, I think it fell from the ceiling and has injured itself. I would flip it over asap and provide water near the mouthparts, but if it has internal abdominal injuries it's likely that it will die.

I say this with compassion and no ill will towards you; the way you housed this tarantula contributed directly to this fall and possible death. We have all made mistakes before, even ones that cost our pets their lives, but it's very important that you address these issues in the enclosure if Jeepers survives this or if you choose to get another tarantula after he passes. There's lots of info available on here, and many many people who only have your tarantula's best interest in mind. I sincerely hope that your pet recovers, and that if he does not, you're able to move past this unfortunate event and continue caring for these lovely critters. ❤


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
Either it’s dead , injured or molting ?
How much space did it have to climb ?in inches ..


Jul 20, 2023
If he fell, it was about 5 inches onto soft coconut substrate. There are no visible injuries and his abdomen is still firm and normal-looking. Over the course of the day me and my family have been watching him and he is actually moving -- his legs are shifting and twitching slightly, pretty consistently, and all the legs are pointed outward, not inward over his body. He's more "flat" than earlier (pic attached). So he is alive.

If it's still possible he's molting, last time he molted there wasn't a molt mat then either. He actually has never made a real web of any kind, I've only ever seen tiny wisps here and there. There are tiny wisps of webbing on the screen above where he is lying right now. Not sure if they're recent.

If he is injured, how should I handle it? How do I give him water without causing harm? Will moving him cause more damage? Is it too much of a risk to move him off his back in case he IS molting?

I'm also wondering if he WAS dying, would he gradually enter a death curl position or is it sudden upon death?



Laxow Legacy LLC
May 30, 2017
If it's been that long (assuming it was like that since last night) then it's most likely dead. Tarantulas do not stay on their backs for molting for this long. It may take hours, but not that long on their back in molting position. It's most likely dead. I would slightly touch it to see if there is a reaction, but it doesn't look good.


Fiery but Mostly Peaceful
Nov 7, 2019
The "death curl" happens because of dehydration, so the orientation of his legs aren't a tell tale sign.


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
The "death curl" happens because of dehydration, so the orientation of his legs aren't a tell tale sign.
It climbed to top of cage fell on its back and died it seems ? Rip :sad: :( No molt mat in pic . Even a short fall can be fatal, if it lands the wrong way .


Jun 21, 2023
It fell and died.

Sorry for your loss. Hopefully it can be prevented next time.
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