not quite sure what to do


Old Timer
Jun 23, 2009
So this is a product of my own stupidity, firstly.

Basically, i kept putting roaches on my 2inch sling P.Antinous enclosure thinking he/she ate them all since they all disappear. Next thing I know I see 5 roaches chilling at the bottom of her burrow. Im thinking well, maybe the T will eat them all eventually. Nope! Its been a few days and still 5 in there. I feel they might be causing her undue stress.

So Im not quite sure what to do, should I attempt to take them all out one by one? Put her in a new enclosure perhaps (But the burrow she built is soo nice and deep and right by the side wall). Should I just leave it be, and hope she eats them all.

PS~ The roaches are B.Lateralis roaches. About 1/4 - 1/3 inches in size.


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2009
i dont think roaches harm Ts,but i could be wrong.
but i'd remove them anyways just in case they die or do cause harm to the T.
moving the T isnt as bad as having a dead T is it?

Krazy Kat

Old Timer
Jul 16, 2008
If you can't get to the roaches easy then I would just remove your spider to get them out or rehouse it to another enclosure.


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
5 is a bit much.. I would see if you can't get them out.

I made the same mistake once, except I stopped at three LOL
Luckily, they all came up to a spot where I could take them out easily.


Old Timer
Dec 11, 2008
So this is a product of my own stupidity, firstly.

Basically, i kept putting roaches on my 2inch sling P.Antinous enclosure thinking he/she ate them all since they all disappear. Next thing I know I see 5 roaches chilling at the bottom of her burrow. Im thinking well, maybe the T will eat them all eventually. Nope! Its been a few days and still 5 in there. I feel they might be causing her undue stress.
How long is a 'few' days?

When did she molt last/ is she in premolt?

So Im not quite sure what to do, should I attempt to take them all out one by one? Put her in a new enclosure perhaps (But the burrow she built is soo nice and deep and right by the side wall). Should I just leave it be, and hope she eats them all.
With B. lateralis i have not heard of anyone having problems with them munching on Ts. We use them and have never had a problem, but we tong feed; so that experience isn't applicable. However, we do have five 3rd? instar P. imperators and toss in a handful and leave them. They always seem to congregate on top of the cork bark and usually at night. Depending upon what kind of set-up you have, waiting for them to come up and catching them at the right time might be a viable option.

Of course, if you weren't worried about her burrow, i would say to lure her out, get the little buggers, set it back up and put her back in...........that is if it has been a week or so.:D