Nocturnel Hunt.


Old Timer
Jul 19, 2008
Alright I did this post at 3 in the morning if I made any errors please forgive me. Well I was bored and it was quite warm outside with a chinook of 12+ really warm I went bug hunting at night and man did I ever find stuff. I found 4 carbid beetles 2 males and 2 females after flipping a 10 pound rock in my garden, I smell breeding coming. Also I found a Arenus sp. of spider making its web in my shed. Then I went to my porch and turn on the light and waited around 15 mins then a whole bunch of moths came and fluttered near it. Around 1 oclock I was in my garden with my flashlgiht and I caught a 5cm garden centipede and a wolfspider after that I sat on my roof with my creatures watch the stars for a few mins then took them in. I wonder what my mom would say after she finds my new pets.{D :8o