Nice to know


Old Timer
Feb 16, 2009
He should have known.. It's right in the name: Mysore Ornamental.


Old Timer
Feb 23, 2009
I worry that these bite repots will continue to give a bad rep to the hobby as a whole.

It seems pretty serious. Is this kind of reaction expected after a bite from this tarantula? If so I had no idea the seriousness of a bite, even from an OW T.:eek:

But that being said. Anyone who keeps this tarantula needs to understand that there is a risk of being bitten, just like those who keep redbacks, black widows and funnel webs... they need to take caution and know the risks.

Personally I will do anything to defend those who enjoy this hobby responsibly. Just like riding a motercycle. You can get screwed up real easy if you are not careful, just don't complain so much that it ruins the activity for those who enjoy it.:?


Old Timer
Jan 6, 2009
"Please consider getting a more suitable pet species instead. Avicularia are wonderful spiders (my favorite!) and they've never put anyone in the hospital. Species like B. smithi are really popular because they're great spiders, not because they're boring! Look at them -- they're cool! You don't have to get some exotic species to prove you're a big tough guy."

I disagree with that completely. First of all, I have a almost foolproof way of trasferring my T's, second, it was kinda his fault. That doesnt mean we should all have smithis, rosies and avics. I think pokies are very beautiful and really enjoy having them in my collection. IMO, a little bit of common sense won't get you bit. So instead of sticking to all the 'safe' T's, use your brain.


Old Timer
Aug 12, 2008
I didnt post this thread to show his opinions on the sp., but the effects u can get from a bite of that species. Getting bit by a pet doesn't mean anything, It happens to the best of us, even RobC who every1 respects on this forum has a video bite report from a pokie.This stuff happens and when u buy a T u should allways expect the bads along with the goods. To us it can b an accident to the pet its a succes in defending it self and its territory.


Old Timer
Jun 29, 2008
Yeah... This happens when you break rule #1: Respect your Pokie.

I always make sure to know exactly where my regalis is before opening his enclosure. Further, I combine Stan Schultz's bathtub method with the coke bottle method, for removing my regalis out of his enclosure, prior to any maintenance.

Most of the time they run away, but don't become too comfortable with this assumption. On any given day, things can change.

I personally believe that I may have gotten mine too early, given my experience
with T's. He was my first OW species. The bottom line is: don't get complacent.


Old Timer
Dec 13, 2005
I think that this specific case turned very bad because the animal held on for 15 sec+... we have a major envenomation case here. Some precautions are to be taken. I am developping a Pokie Procedure to deal with mine.

I always start any operation by sticking a thin rod in the enclosure and stir the ground near the animal to test its mood. Most just remain still and chill out. In case of intense reaction, I simply don't open the enclosure. I do my stuf with long tweezer, opening the lid just enough to have it in.

In case of a bite, I would have a bucket of cold water ready to immerse the spider and have it let go. Accounts where the bite didn't last long are are far milder IMO.


Old Timer
Jul 2, 2008
Yes, 15-20 seconds did sound like a long time. I bet the symptoms were worse because of this. Pokies are still no joke, beware of their speed and take special precautions while doing cage maintenance with this genus.


Old Timer
Dec 6, 2006
I'm not so paranoid when doing cage maintenance, even though I know of a worse case by P. ornata which caused comatose. Pokies won't try to fang you, unless you poke them with your finger.

Edit: If I get bitten, then it's just bad luck. I'm not going to complain about it, because we all (hopefully) know the risks when start to keep "hot" T species. So yeah, I'm prepared for it.


Old Timer
Feb 1, 2009
"Please consider getting a more suitable pet species instead. Avicularia are wonderful spiders (my favorite!) and they've never put anyone in the hospital. Species like B. smithi are really popular because they're great spiders, not because they're boring! Look at them -- they're cool! You don't have to get some exotic species to prove you're a big tough guy."

I disagree with that completely. First of all, I have a almost foolproof way of trasferring my T's, second, it was kinda his fault. That doesnt mean we should all have smithis, rosies and avics. I think pokies are very beautiful and really enjoy having them in my collection. IMO, a little bit of common sense won't get you bit. So instead of sticking to all the 'safe' T's, use your brain.

I think he means the average person, not the hobbyist. Many people here can be considered very experienced, and collecting T's is something we like to do. That message was probably more directed towards new keepers and potential keepers. I agree, old worlds are probably, in most cases, not the best choice for a curious beginner (not someone LOOKING specifically for a defensive spider, but the average person who has one T they sometimes hold and isn't really a "hobbyist") and children.


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2006
I'm pretty sure 15-20 sec is an exaggeration. Ts are more likely to tag continuously than tag and hold. It probably felt that long though.


Old Timer
Dec 10, 2007
Bites aren't going to affect everyone the same way, some may have a similar reaction while others may get nothing more than an itchy burning sore from it. Pokies should be taken very seriously though, it sounds like this person got a little careless.


Old Timer
Dec 6, 2006
I'm pretty sure 15-20 sec is an exaggeration. Ts are more likely to tag continuously than tag and hold. It probably felt that long though.
Depends of the species. I've had my C. crawshayi hold her fangs in a stick for atleast 10 seconds and she continuesly pumped venom in.

Lennie Collins

Old Timer
Aug 8, 2007
I'm pretty sure 15-20 sec is an exaggeration. Ts are more likely to tag continuously than tag and hold. It probably felt that long though.
I had a Stripped Knee bite me and she held on. I had to pry her off with a pencil!


Old Timer
Feb 9, 2009
In my humble opinion any T is appropriate if the keeper who wants it dose his reaserch and treats their animal with the respect it is due. The problem comes in when we get to comfortable with our spiders and think we know how they will react but in honesty the best you can ever do is give your best guess as to the possible behaviour of your tarantula. They are after all predators first and pet last if at all.

Tim St.

Old Timer
Apr 22, 2007
"The pain was so
intense that it wouldn't let me sleep. I finally passed out around 7 in the

"About 5 hours later I was at work and my legs
started to get sore."

"After a while all my muscles got sore and I was walking
like I was 95 years old and I started getting minor cramps in my calves"

"I started getting
cramps in my feet that were ridiculously painful and the joints in my hands
and knees were sore. The rest of the night I would wake up to these painful
cramps taking turns in all my muscles up and down my body from my feet
muscles straight up to my jaw muscles "

"Any time I would move any part of my
body it would immediately cramp up. Once the cramps stopped I could hardly
move because my muscles were so sore and if I moved my arms, legs, feet... in certain directions they would cramp so I had to move carefully."

Most cramps are caused by muscle fatigue, from reading his own story i gather he was taged and had a bad nights rest , then went to work causing his muscles to become even more fatigued, i think stress (caused by being bit by a potent T) could also account for some of his sleep deprivation (causing more muscle fatigue), Both Stress and lack of sleep would also cause his joint pain and tense muscles.

most cramps are caused by:

Injury: (i.e Broken bone, tore muscle)

Vigorous activity: "True" cramps are commonly associated with the vigorous use of muscles and muscle fatigue (in sports or with unaccustomed activities)

Rest cramps: Cramps at rest are very common, especially in older adults, but may be experienced at any age, including childhood. Rest cramps often occur during the night. While not life-threatening, night cramps (commonly known as nocturnal cramps) can be painful, disruptive of sleep, and they can recur frequently (that is, many times a night, and/or many nights each week). The actual cause of night cramps is unknown.

Dehydration: Sports and other vigorous activities can cause excessive fluid loss from perspiration.

Body fluid shifts: "True" cramps also may be experienced in other conditions that feature an unusual distribution of body fluids. An example is cirrhosis of the liver, with fluid in the abdominal cavity (ascites).

Low blood calcium, magnesium: Low blood levels of either calcium or magnesium directly increase the excitability of both the nerve endings and the muscles they stimulate.

Low potassium: Low potassium levels occasionally cause muscle cramps

Tetany: In tetany, all of the nerve cells in the body are activated, which then stimulate the muscles. This reaction causes spasms or cramps throughout the body. The name tetany is derived from the effect of the tetanus toxin on the nerves. However, the name is now commonly applied to muscle cramping from other conditions, such as low blood levels of calcium and magnesium.

Contractures: Contractures result when the muscles are unable to relax. The constant spasms are caused by a depletion of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), an energy chemical within the cell. This prevents muscle fiber relaxation. The nerves are inactive in this form of muscle spasm.

Dystonic cramps: The final category is dystonic cramps, in which muscles that are not needed for the intended movement are stimulated to contract. Muscles that are affected by this type of cramping include those that ordinarily work in the opposite direction of the intended movement, and/or others that exaggerate the movement. Some dystonic cramps usually affect small groups of muscles (eyelids, jaws, neck, larynx, etc.).

in all honesty i think this is more of a "Scar" story then it is a report, seems extremely egzagerated if it happend at all. just IHMO.

Just wanted to add that iam talking about the weeks later symptoms he expresses.
the toxins of the bite would cause his Muscles to emediatly cramp, however long term cramping is far fetched.
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Old Timer
Oct 9, 2008
People talkin about those 20 seconds... it is possible that is an exageration...
But think about that the T thought that it was really some food and if she bit she would not realese it on the first moments so the "food" wouldnt run away.. it makes sense doesnt it ??

Just thinkin about it..
