Next feeder roach?


Old Timer
Dec 18, 2007
I am currently raising dubias and B. latteralis, and am looking to raise another feeder roach. Most likely either lobsters or orange heads. Which one would you guys/girls recommend?

Also I think there may hisser babies in my dubia colony. Are hisser nymphs safe for tarantulas, scorps, etc? There were only two hisser sin my large dubia cage, but I guess they crossbred.


Old Timer
May 15, 2008
hissers will be fine for your Ts just as any other roach is, its nly wild collected dirty roaches that may be a problem all other species kept in captivity are clean and especialy true with the captive bred ones. i would recomend the hissers as these are what i keep and breed for all my inverts and they are very easy to keep healhty and they breed very well and they are hardy and do not fly, they can however climb glass but this is quickly stopped with soem vaseline or bugstop around the top of then enclosure


Old Timer
Aug 18, 2004
What kind of pets are you feeding?

orangeheads: very similar to dubia...though they don't show the sexual dimorphism so all adults are more or less the same weight(so no little males to feed to medium creatures, and no whopper females). Nymphs are very fat and meaty compared to dubia nymphs, slower, and don't play dead. They are ravenous feeders and breed faster than dubia. I would rate them as better feeders than dubia in many cases. But they have a defensive smell, like to defecate on you, and like to stab with their leg spines much more than dubia. If you are feeding off mainly your adults in the dubia colony, go with these.

lobsters: more similar to lateralis. Actually, the size range you get from them is practically indentical to that of store bought crickets unless your store happens to carry pinheads. Lobsters may be a bit bigger but are soft so go down easy. They are easily contained with a vaseline barrier. Breed like crazy, dig, and climb. They do like to poo on you when you pick them up. They can dig, but also love climbing...which means they are not a bad choice for arboreal tarantulas. I think they are overall the best feeder roach for someone who wants to switch from crickets. They are easier to breed than lateralis. Just a word of warning they are great escape artists. If your pets homes are not bug proof any that escape will leave sooner or later!


Old Timer
Feb 18, 2007
Right now i breed Turks, Lobsters and Dubia. Shortly i want to get some Discoids, Blaberus Fusca, Green Banana Roach (Panchlora Nivea) and maybe Phoetalia Palida Roach.

For some strange reason i am addicted to roaches now =X