Newbie Jumping Spider Questions


Oct 21, 2022
I am looking at acquiring a jumping spider for a terrarium for my desk at work and I have a few questions. I understand that they do not create webs in the usual sense however I know that they spin a web sack. What I am curious about is the amount of webbing that is present in the enclosure. Ideally I want to make it so that you would have to look real close to see any indications that a spider is in the enclosure. I do not want my co-workers freaking out that there is a spider in my office. I am wanting to do a larger enclosure, the one I am leaning towards is 8"x6"x14" with a front opening door and side ventilation. I understand that they do not need an enclosure that big however I want to do a bioactive enclosure with live plants. Is this too big for a jumping spider? I have read that Phidippus audax is a good beginner spider and to look for an i5-i6 but I am open to suggestions. I am concerned that having a heavily planted enclosure will make it hard for the spider to hunt and if so, please let me know. I do not want the aesthetics of the enclosure to negatively affect the care of the spider.


Old Timer
Dec 28, 2008
I just find the idea of a "office pet" cringe. If you care about these animals, you will keep it at your house and not be concerned with looking good to your coworkers. Yes, too heavily planted an enclosure will get in the way of them hunting. If you want a bio-active terrarium, jumping spiders aren't really the species for it.


Oct 18, 2022
The amount of webbing varies I think. When near a molt, they can do more. There might be little silk strands on other parts, but not obvious. Usually, it's just the hideaway.....which they like to make either on the top or the side, so it could be visible if your enclosure is clear material. Tho honestly, I really wouldn't care if you're co-workers see your pet, jumping spiders aren't very frightening to most people. It's contained, it's not venomous, it shouldn't make them go insane lol

For decor, basically what CRX said. A fake plant or moss with a couple of sticks is good. Jumpers also need good lighting to catch their prey. You should definitely mist the cage with a spray bottle at least once every other day for their water and humidity needs. The enclosure size is good if I understand the measurements. Small is cool for them, but I mean, outside they have the whole earth xD I don't think it matters.

Phidippus Audaxs are great :D Really sweet spiders, they aren't likely to bite. But that goes for all jumpers. Phidipus Regius and Platycryptus Undatus I know are also popular pet choices. (Regal and tan jumper)