So after looking for arachnids for a while I decide to go back to my younger years and try herping for a bit. There's not much to get in central New York, but apparently I've got some luck lately. First day nothing but a bunch of fairly large gardners and a few babies. Second day I looked all around a "natural" environment flipping logs and such... no luck. Third day flipped a board and to my amazement there was a juvenile milk snake. I've only ever seen one around here which my parents thought was a rattle snake due to its tail shaking and quickly killed it. In their defense they felt absolutely terrible about it after I ate em out pretty hard for it. Fourth day under that same board I found a red bellied snake again of which I have only seen once a very long time ago. Pretty dang happy with the luck I've been having lately.
On a side note... anyone notice that a lot more snakes can be found under things like boards and cardboard scraps than under logs? Maybe its just my location.
Another side note... now I'm looking for the green snakes we supposedly have around here, but I've never seen.
On a side note... anyone notice that a lot more snakes can be found under things like boards and cardboard scraps than under logs? Maybe its just my location.
Another side note... now I'm looking for the green snakes we supposedly have around here, but I've never seen.