New T's


Old Timer
Mar 23, 2003
I sold most of scorps today and bought some new T's bringing my collection up to 7.
So, here are the pics.

1 Aphonopelma seemanni.
This one is quite aggressive. Definatley not one for handling, she raises her legs and shows her fangs as soon as I open the tank. Is this normal for this species? I thought they were supposed to be docile. It is a beautiful spider non the less and I am just as content to be able to sit and look at it.

2 Brachypelma vagans.
This one is subadult, but a gorgeous colour. The best I had seen at the show and at a bargain price (I think.) Bit of a hair kicker, had my first encounter with urticating hairs but hopefuly she will calm down.

3 Grammostola rosea
I had never been too bothered by this species, but I saw his one dirt cheap and had to have it. It is a bright copper red colour, not the usual muddy brown, the photo doesn't bring it up too well. She is as friendly as can be.


Old Timer
Sep 17, 2004

A. seemani is not typically overly defensive, but I've heard a few people mention that they have one that acts like what you are describing. It may also just be stressed out from the trip home.

Are they all females? How big are they?

Greg Wolfe

Old Timer
Sep 13, 2003
New T's...

becca81 said:

A. seemani is not typically overly defensive, but I've heard a few people mention that they have one that acts like what you are describing. It may also just be stressed out from the trip home.

Are they all females? How big are they?
I was to going to say something very similar but she beat me to it! LOL. :p


Old Timer
May 15, 2005
Richard_uk said:
1 Aphonopelma seemanni.
This one is quite aggressive. Definatley not one for handling, she raises her legs and shows her fangs as soon as I open the tank. Is this normal for this species? I thought they were supposed to be docile. It is a beautiful spider non the less and I am just as content to be able to sit and look at it.
Not necessarily aggressive, but skittish for sure. Mine won't let me pick her up, and she's a big time hair-flicker :evil:

Yours are all very nice :drool: Congrats!!!


Old Timer
Mar 23, 2003
The Aphonopelma and Grammostola were labelled as being female. As far as my I can tell with my limited experience this seems to be the case.

The Aphonopelma has a leg span of approx 5 1/2 inches. Big enough to fill the palm of a hand.

The grammostola is only slightly smaller.

The Brachypelma is the smallest at only 4 inches, and is unsexed.

Skittish is probably a better word for the Aphon rather than aggressive. She only bares her fangs if I disturb her too much when opening the tank. Since I have been collecting scorps for years I no longer have the need to handle every new addition I get, so it really isn't a problem for me anyway.