I see, you really do like blue, don't you?I want two bluefangs also they are my next two new purchases,and after that I want two GBB
What about your collection of P.metallica?I want two bluefangs also they are my next two new purchases,and after that I want two GBB
I still am building a collection of P Metallica also,they are hard to come by now adays , I am and only will purchase slings and sexed female P Metallica at the time which makes it even harder to find them,I am in know hurry,I treat my T monthly budget as if it was valuable stock ,and it really is a investment . I have built my collection pretty good over the last month .
I don't see the point in keeping your metallica private, it's pointless and just makes it harder to believe you. If you really owned them, I'd think you'd be bragging and posting pics, especially considering how much you love them. It's not like anyone here knows where you live, and we already know that you supposedly have alot of them anyway, telling us how many doesn't change anything.I really dont want to say how many P Metallica I have ,I like to keep that private ,just like any other investment you make you want to keep it under wraps ,they are valuable Ts.