new to the world of assasin bugs


Old Timer
Jun 15, 2004
ok, years ago when I moved out to the country, my brother and I first discovered these "evil stink bugs" we called them that because we knew what a stink bug was, and these are obviously a close reletive.

I was browseing these forums with a friend last year and saw some pics of assasin bugs and so I then knew what they were.

I wanted one but hadn't seen any (it being cold) until recently.

I caught one that had somehow got into my room.

I think he's a nymph or something, it doesn't have wings just yet.

I thought they only ate tree sap for some reason :confused: so the closest thing to that consistancy was honey, so I put some on a toothpic and put it in front of the assasin, and it stuck it's probiscuss(is that what the call them on assasins?)

I did alittle reading on here, and saw that they eat insects, so my little friend is now sucking on a house fly.

so, why haven't I seen anything about then eating things other than insects?
Also, about a week ago, I saw 4 small assasin bugs gathered around a bird dropping on a leaf, eating together in a little group. I thought that was pretty cool.

well, give me some info.

I don't think I should have to water it, it should get that from the insects correct?

I thought it was kinda funny earlier while I was reading about assasin bugs, with the little guy crawling on my arm, and I read that they were "toxic" I just kinda looked down at him, not seeing my little pet as a threat. I then read that they aren't very toxic...


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
Leaf footed bugs (Coreidae) look alot like assassins (Reduviidae) at first glance, so they are probably what you were thinking of that eat plant fluids. Also, some stink bugs (Pentatomidae) are predatory (most eat plants).

Many assassins will occasionally take sweet liquids when offered. It could also be more interested in the liquid gained from the honey than anything else. They probably get most of their moisture from thier food, but it's usually a good idea to offer alternate sources as well. This can be done via light misting or by offering a shallow water dish filled with gravel, cotton, or paper towels to prevent drowning.

Assassins inject digestive fluids into their prey, which can be very painful if they inject it into you! Some people can be very allergic to this, which is how they've gained a scarier reputation than they deserve. Generally, an assassin that's walking on you isn't likely to bite, bites are more liklet to occur when attempting to pick them up between your fingers (so don't do it that way!). There are, however, some blood-feeding members of the family that will bite you deliberately, but since you've already observed yours feeding on insects chances are it isn't one of those.

There is a handy book on keeping these and many other true bugs, called "Assassins, Waterscorpions, And Other True Bugs" available from



Old Timer
Jun 15, 2004
thanks Wade.

and yea, I didn't think picking it up between my fingers would be a smart aproach, after all, it's got that pointy thing haha. I guess thats generally a good idea with most all insects.

but thanks again for the info.

Brian S

Old Timer
May 29, 2004
We have those around here too. I think the common name is "wheel bug" because as adults they have a 1/2 wheel behind the head.


Old Timer
Jun 15, 2004
ah, the little spiked mohawk deal? yea, I know what your talking about. sweet.

I used to see the adults grouped together on a tree in my back yard, haven't seen any adults in a while.

Brian S

Old Timer
May 29, 2004
It will be July before many adults are around. The adults make a "scratching chalk board sound" when picked up. Then will try to bite. They will tame down however. I used to keep a few when I was a kid.


Old Timer
Jun 15, 2004
haha, awesome. I'd always been afraid to pick them up until recently. (something about that probe and their resemblance to stink bugs perhaps)