I've cultured alot of bugs in my day, never roaches. I got about 20 dubias and 50 lateralis today. they're in 15 gallon tubs with wetted shaved coco bark as substrate (i know it's not necessary. was thinking of removing it), a few sheets of egg carton and we're feeding carrots, potatoes, and lettuce. They're both at mid 80's. So I have a few questions:
-should I put isopods or springtails in their to kill the smell?
-ive heard use %50 sand 50% sphagnum moss for the lateralis. no substrate for dubias
-Do they need dry cat food, or fish flakes? Which is better?
I would love any other insight people have on how to effectively culture these guys. If this is a completely redundant thread, please just direct me to where I can find info. I've already read alot, I just get rediculous when it comes to research and everybody seems like they have a different way of doing things. Thanks in advance!
-should I put isopods or springtails in their to kill the smell?
-ive heard use %50 sand 50% sphagnum moss for the lateralis. no substrate for dubias
-Do they need dry cat food, or fish flakes? Which is better?
I would love any other insight people have on how to effectively culture these guys. If this is a completely redundant thread, please just direct me to where I can find info. I've already read alot, I just get rediculous when it comes to research and everybody seems like they have a different way of doing things. Thanks in advance!