New Tank Setup


Oct 1, 2023
Hi everyone!

I've set up a new tank for my beloved Icarus (Brazillian Black, 2.5", still not sure of sex). I have a specific question, as well as a few points about the setup that I'm not sure are good.

a) My main question is: should I drill more holes into the top of the tank? Each hole is a little over a half inch from the next one. I drilled them for the first 5 inches of each side to create cross-ventilation, but I'm just worried that they're too far apart. If I put them closer together, they might crack the acrylic (any tips for preventing cracking? I drilled them with a 1/8" titanium drillbit while the acrylic was sitting atop a piece of wood, but it still cracked a bit..). I do have one more piece of acrylic left to work with.

b) I think I might have gone a bit overboard with the decor, as it's a little cluttered. I was thinking maybe Icky would appreciate the extra cover, but it also is kinda ugly, so I was thinking about ditching some of the leaves. Whenever he picks a piece of wood he likes, I'll probably take out the extras.

c) I know that I definitely need to put in more coco fiber, so it's currently being hydrated. This will take a bit of time, but as soon as it's done I will add about another 2-3 inches of it.

d) I might get him a new heating pad since this one has been moved around a couple times and isn't sticking very well. This is necessary because my room gets down to about 50 degrees at night in the winter (that's also why I keep that thermometer/hygrometer there because it gets very dry as well [sometimes down to 20-30% humidity] and it gives me anxiety when i can't read those numbers [yeah it's a personal problem but i dont think Icky really minds having it there either way]). I am currently deciding if I should get a larger one or just get one the same size as the old one (7.5 x 11). I previously had the "tank within a tank" setup, but the tank that he's currently in IS the tank the pad was originally attached to. I'd like to see how he'll do with it attached to the glass directly, but I'm worried that it'll cook him, so I'm probably going to get an even larger tank. When I move out, I'll be allowed to use a space heater instead of this whole deal, but for a while this is what I'm doing.

e) It's a little too late to ask, but is his tank too big for him? It's 15 in x 7.5 in x 9 in and he is about 2.5".


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Active Member
Jun 29, 2021
Hi everyone!

I've set up a new tank for my beloved Icarus (Brazillian Black, 2.5", still not sure of sex). I have a specific question, as well as a few points about the setup that I'm not sure are good.

a) My main question is: should I drill more holes into the top of the tank? Each hole is a little over a half inch from the next one. I drilled them for the first 5 inches of each side to create cross-ventilation, but I'm just worried that they're too far apart. If I put them closer together, they might crack the acrylic (any tips for preventing cracking? I drilled them with a 1/8" titanium drillbit while the acrylic was sitting atop a piece of wood, but it still cracked a bit..). I do have one more piece of acrylic left to work with.

b) I think I might have gone a bit overboard with the decor, as it's a little cluttered. I was thinking maybe Icky would appreciate the extra cover, but it also is kinda ugly, so I was thinking about ditching some of the leaves. Whenever he picks a piece of wood he likes, I'll probably take out the extras.

c) I know that I definitely need to put in more coco fiber, so it's currently being hydrated. This will take a bit of time, but as soon as it's done I will add about another 2-3 inches of it.

d) I might get him a new heating pad since this one has been moved around a couple times and isn't sticking very well. This is necessary because my room gets down to about 50 degrees at night in the winter (that's also why I keep that thermometer/hygrometer there because it gets very dry as well [sometimes down to 20-30% humidity] and it gives me anxiety when i can't read those numbers [yeah it's a personal problem but i dont think Icky really minds having it there either way]). I am currently deciding if I should get a larger one or just get one the same size as the old one (7.5 x 11).

e) It's a little too late to ask, but is his tank too big for him? It's 15 in x 7.5 in x 9 in and he is about 2.5".
That tank is too big and not enough sub.

I recommend using KISS, keep it simple stupid. Tub, coco fibre as sub, water dish and lid. Don’t worry about a hide, these Ts bulldoze and will create their own hides. I’d also take out the other stuff in the enclosure, it would be easy for your feeders to get lost when trying to feed the T.

I recommend using latin names: Grammostola pulchra cos english names change and can be confusing. I also recommend you to read the beginners guide. Its full of helpful info:

If you have a specific question after reading that search the forum, it could have been asked and answered before. If not post a new thread with it.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
Hole number is fine

heat pad only goes vertical if you HAVE to, space heater is safer!!

You own the wrong animal if you suffer from anxiety. Dump that humidity crap.


Active Member
Oct 25, 2023

a). The holes are fine.

b). Your tarantula doesn’t give a hoot about the decor. As long as it has a hide and room to burrow, a water dish, and access to food, it has everything it needs. Decor is fine to include for your enjoyment, but the consideration is whether it will provide too many places for prey items to hide, especially if you feed crickets or roaches. That’s likely to happen in this enclosure, but that’s due to a combination of decor and size.

c). Yes, you don’t want more than about 1.5 times the spider’s diagonal leg span between the substrate and the lid to prevent injury from a fall.

d). The forum has some information about how to use heating pads safely. You’re right that the hygrometer isn’t going to bother the spider, but it’s really not necessary to worry about humidity even if you’re in a dry house. Just keep a corner of the substrate dampened a bit, and this species will be fine.

e). Yes, at 15 inches long, this tank is about what a fully grown Grammastola pulchra would need. It’s much better to keep them in something smaller and size up a few times over their life than to place a juvenile into an adult enclosure. Generally, about 3-4 times the leg span is the right length/width to house them in. In this tank, feeders are likely to get lost, and with the multiple hides and such, it might be hard for you to track where your spider is, especially if it burrows away before molting.

Andrew Clayton

Active Member
Dec 19, 2018
Hi everyone!

I've set up a new tank for my beloved Icarus (Brazillian Black, 2.5", still not sure of sex). I have a specific question, as well as a few points about the setup that I'm not sure are good.

a) My main question is: should I drill more holes into the top of the tank? Each hole is a little over a half inch from the next one. I drilled them for the first 5 inches of each side to create cross-ventilation, but I'm just worried that they're too far apart. If I put them closer together, they might crack the acrylic (any tips for preventing cracking? I drilled them with a 1/8" titanium drillbit while the acrylic was sitting atop a piece of wood, but it still cracked a bit..). I do have one more piece of acrylic left to work with.

b) I think I might have gone a bit overboard with the decor, as it's a little cluttered. I was thinking maybe Icky would appreciate the extra cover, but it also is kinda ugly, so I was thinking about ditching some of the leaves. Whenever he picks a piece of wood he likes, I'll probably take out the extras.

c) I know that I definitely need to put in more coco fiber, so it's currently being hydrated. This will take a bit of time, but as soon as it's done I will add about another 2-3 inches of it.

d) I might get him a new heating pad since this one has been moved around a couple times and isn't sticking very well. This is necessary because my room gets down to about 50 degrees at night in the winter (that's also why I keep that thermometer/hygrometer there because it gets very dry as well [sometimes down to 20-30% humidity] and it gives me anxiety when i can't read those numbers [yeah it's a personal problem but i dont think Icky really minds having it there either way]). I am currently deciding if I should get a larger one or just get one the same size as the old one (7.5 x 11). I previously had the "tank within a tank" setup, but the tank that he's currently in IS the tank the pad was originally attached to. I'd like to see how he'll do with it attached to the glass directly, but I'm worried that it'll cook him, so I'm probably going to get an even larger tank. When I move out, I'll be allowed to use a space heater instead of this whole deal, but for a while this is what I'm doing.

e) It's a little too late to ask, but is his tank too big for him? It's 15 in x 7.5 in x 9 in and he is about 2.5".
All the above advice is solid, only thing I have to add is, Cross ventilation, you mentioned it, there is no cross ventilation in that tank. Cross ventilation is created by having holes down low at substrate level and holes on top. As the heat rises and out the ventilation on top it pulls in air through the holes next to the substrate, this is what creates cross ventilation. Having all the ventilation on top no matter where you place it or space it, it is not going to create cross ventilation. Lucky for you though this species does not need cross ventilation so the ventilation you have provided is sufficient.
Also I know it's been said but use the scientific name please (Grammostola Pulchra)