new snake, need advice


Sep 4, 2012
I bought a white lip python, I've had snakes before, a ball python and some boas and they were easy, but I read this specie its quite delicate and would like to hear advice regarding some subjects. Can anyone recommend me a good forum like this one dedicated to snakes or give me some do/donts?
I'm trying to figure out best terrarium setup and also my main concern Its parasites, I really don't know if its a wild caught snake but did some research and they say its very probable, and if so there's a good chance that she's carrying bacteria and stuff, what could I get to threat worms?

thanks in advance
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the toe cutter

Old Timer
Mar 20, 2010
There shouldn't be any WC White Lipped Pythons in the US as we cannot import from any countries that it originates from. They are not any more difficult to care for than any other python. Mist him occasionally, use coco fiber or peat moss as a substrate(Lowes has huge bails of peat moss for $10). And make sure they have a large water dish to hang out in occasionally and a few hides. There is no cause for concern with a White Lipped Python, if you can keep a Boa alive. These guys can be a little feisty though so watch your hands, arms and face!
To treat internal parasites, go to your local vet. DO NOT attempt to medicate your animal yourself as the medication used to rid reptiles of internal parasites can cause renal system failure if not properly done! Go to the vet, get an apt for a fecal float shouldn't cost anymore than about $30 to get this done. They will tell you what if anything the animal may have and advise you further as to what to do.


Old Timer
May 1, 2004
There shouldn't be any WC White Lipped Pythons in the US as we cannot import from any countries that it originates from. They are not any more difficult to care for than any other python. Mist him occasionally, use coco fiber or peat moss as a substrate(Lowes has huge bails of peat moss for $10). And make sure they have a large water dish to hang out in occasionally and a few hides. There is no cause for concern with a White Lipped Python, if you can keep a Boa alive. These guys can be a little feisty though so watch your hands, arms and face!
To treat internal parasites, go to your local vet. DO NOT attempt to medicate your animal yourself as the medication used to rid reptiles of internal parasites can cause renal system failure if not properly done! Go to the vet, get an apt for a fecal float shouldn't cost anymore than about $30 to get this done. They will tell you what if anything the animal may have and advise you further as to what to do.
Actually, TC, nearly ALL White-Lips in the US ARE wild-caught, imported from Papua, New Guinea, and it is legal. My big female is a WC import and bears scars from having been lashed to a pole with vines, the typical means of transporting live animals back to villages where they are usually slaughtered to be eaten. Animal dealers know this and hang out at said villages, awaiting the hunters' return, to barter for the best animals. The "cherry-picked" animals go into the exotic trade; the rest become stew. I bought her directly from an importer, so I know for a fact that she is WC. She is a "one-in-a-million" though, a very calm and docile snake in spite of what she's been through, an excellent PR animal because she'll tolerate anyone holding her. Her iridescence generates "oohs" and "ahhhs" with everyone who sees her, especially outdoors in sunlight.



Jul 18, 2012
Actually, TC, nearly ALL White-Lips in the US ARE wild-caught, imported from Papua, New Guinea, and it is legal. My big female is a WC import and bears scars from having been lashed to a pole with vines, the typical means of transporting live animals back to villages where they are usually slaughtered to be eaten. Animal dealers know this and hang out at said villages, awaiting the hunters' return, to barter for the best animals. The "cherry-picked" animals go into the exotic trade; the rest become stew. I bought her directly from an importer, so I know for a fact that she is WC. She is a "one-in-a-million" though, a very calm and docile snake in spite of what she's been through, an excellent PR animal because she'll tolerate anyone holding her. Her iridescence generates "oohs" and "ahhhs" with everyone who sees her, especially outdoors in sunlight.

a friend of mine was fortunate enough to get one of the very few CBB ones in the us, however rare, they do exist