New slings here again!


Old Timer
Jan 21, 2008
So I had to place an order for some new really, I really did have to...its an addiction, I can't help myself! {D {D {D

Its ok though, I got them as a surprise for myself, since I had promised myself I wasn't going to get any more Ts at least til my birthday (march). Patrick helped me make sure I didn't find out I was getting them for myself so it could be a surprise!
It was a fun order. :D

They arrived today and are settling in. My macro camera is still not working so these pictures aren't great, (especially of the albo who decided to immediately go hide), but here are a couple shots - I'll get some more once my good macro camera is working again!

A. Moderatum - 1/3 inch LS. I've been wanting one of these for a while.

B. emilia - 1/2 inch LS. I got one of these this summer with my other brachys but I lost it due to SSDS (sudden sling death syndrome), and have been meaning to get another one and try again for a while now, so when I saw it with the moderatum I had to get one too! {D

B. albopilosum - 1 1/4 inch LS. I've always thought these guys were cute with their crazy hairs, and meant to get one as my 2nd T when I first started in the hobby, but never got around to it....I figured better late than never!! :D This picture is really bad since it was hiding and I couldn't get the camera to focus into that space, but you can at least see the outline, heh.


Old Timer
Jan 21, 2008
Well, the B. albo is over 1 inch in LS, so its probably many months old at least at this point (really depends on the growth rate, my G. Aureo is 1 year old this month (my friend I got her from had them hatch out Dec 2007), and it is MAYBE is 3/4 inch legspan...)

As far as the other 2, I'm not sure of their ages, they are fairly small. The b. emilia is about 1/2 inch legspan - it was just added to the for sale list towards the end of november, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything except that that is when he got them. The 1/3 inch LS A. moderatum he's had listed for over a month...

But brachys and aphonopelma are known to be very slow growers, so they very well could be several months old each. I'm probably going to be waiting quite a while to see colors on either of those guys - but it will be worth it! Besides, thats why I have my bigger or faster growing slings too - to help make up for the waiting on the slower ones.

I do think alot of the slower growing species are worth the wait though - my little G. pulcra, my a. moderatum, my b. smithi, emilia, and bohemi, etc etc will all be very pretty when they get colors. Give me more time to enjoy them too, and will make me appreciate how pretty they are even more when they molt into colors!! :D

c'est ma

Old Timer
Sep 17, 2006

But brachys and aphonopelma are known to be very slow growers, so they very well could be several months old each. I'm probably going to be waiting quite a while to see colors on either of those guys - but it will be worth it! Besides, thats why I have my bigger or faster growing slings too - to help make up for the waiting on the slower ones.

I do think alot of the slower growing species are worth the wait though - my little G. pulcra, my a. moderatum, my b. smithi, emilia, and bohemi, etc etc will all be very pretty when they get colors. Give me more time to enjoy them too, and will make me appreciate how pretty they are even more when they molt into colors!! :D

That is my philosophy, and describes my "collection," too. A few faster growers, many s..l..o...w... ones...I really enjoy all the life-stages and the privilege of witnessing all the changes.

(I have an A. behlei sling that's been buried since Sept. 1st! I can see him in his tunnel along the bottom side of the KK, tho--looks plump, "happy," and is even pretty active down there!)

Congrats on the new ones!
