new pet


Old Timer
Aug 31, 2005
My teenage son would like to get a large bug for a pet. I'm thinking a mantis? Probably not a T if there is the remote chance of a bite. Would like something that doesnt bite, is tame and could be handled a lot and likes roaches to eat. Any suggestions? Threads, or sites that might help would be appreciated as well. :?


Old Timer
Feb 16, 2005
if the roach diet isn't maditory, i'd say an african giant millipede would be perfect.


Old Timer
Aug 31, 2005
what do they eat? I've got a large supply of roaches already.


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2005
Aquanut said:
what do they eat? I've got a large supply of roaches already.
They eat plant and vegtable matter. They seem to like cucumber, but I don't know if that's a complete diet. The pet store near here feeds theirs dog food.

I have some Narceus Americanus, WC and they love carrots. I know they're a different species, different continent, etc, but they're millipedes and eat similar stuff.

A large species of roach, such as the madagascar hissing roach (G. Portentia, I believe) might also be a possibility, and on the plus side they are pretty decent feeders once you get over the low reproductive rate.

Mantids can bite hard enough to cause bleeding, and they're kind of delicate.

There are a few species of tarantula which could be considered docile and their venoms aren't that potent. Do some research on the Brachypelma, Aphonopelma, Avicularia, and Grammostola genus's.

You might also want to do research on Pandinus Imperator and The african flat rock scorpion (don't remember the scientiffic name off the top of my head). They have mild venom and are more likely to pinch than sting.

You have to remember that any animal that eats a roach will also have the means to subdue it.

Keep us posted on what you get.

Hope this helps.
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Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
Millipedes are detritus feeders, meaning they eat rotten wood, leaves, fungi off the forest floor. In captivity they also enjoy a variety of vegetable matter.

Mantids are fun to keep, but they have short lifespans, far less than a year for most species. Not a great choice unless you intend to get into breeding them.

A vinegaroon (Mastigoproctus giganteus) would be a really good choice. They have no venom, are easy to care for, and tolerate handling within reason. They are fairly long lived, with WC adults often living in excess of 4 years. Do a search of the "other arachnids" forum for more info and pictures.

Oh yes, and they will eat cockroaches.

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Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
Evil Cheshire said:
Mantids can bite hard enough to cause bleeding, and they're kind of delicate.
I agree with the delicate part, but very few species of mantids are actually big enough to break the skin, and even in the big ones this would be an unusual occurance. I assume by "bite" you meant "pinched" by the raptorial forelimbs.



Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
Wade said:
Millipedes are detritus feeders, meaning they eat rotten wood, leaves, fungi off the forest floor. In captivity they also enjoy a variety of vegetable matter.

Mantids are fun to keep, but they have short lifespans, far less than a year for most species. Not a great choice unless you intend to get into breeding them.

A vinegaroon (Mastigoproctus giganteus) would be a really good choice. They have no venom, are easy to care for, and tolerate handling within reason. They are fairly long lived, with WC adults often living in excess of 4 years. Do a search of the "other arachnids" forum for more info and pictures.

Oh yes, and they will eat cockroaches.

awesome suggestion!
i've really enjoyed watching my little guy dig and motor around in it's cage

they are very strange looking


Old Timer
Mar 27, 2004
I assume by "bite" you meant "pinched" by the raptorial forelimbs
Some species of mantid will actually bite.The mouthparts are very powerful and the bite of even an L1 nymph T. sinensis is enough to cause a little pain. Something like H. grandis will easily go through the skin and draw blood. They dont tend to do it often but 90% of mantids have the potential to bite.


Old Timer
Aug 13, 2005
Why do you have a supply of roaches? Are they captive or do you just find them in the area? If they are wild, I suggest not feeding them because all wildlife outside will have a certain amount of persiticides in them - it is just the society we live in. I would say to go for a docile tarantula or you can go for an Amblypigid. They are really sweet. They are tailless whipscorpions. They have no tails and they can't pinch you - their claws could never catch skin. Here's a link to a picture.

The Sickness


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
Are you saying that 90% of mantids are actually capable of breaking the skin, or just capable trying to bite? Attempting to bite I believe, but I would predict that in the vast majority of cases the pinch of the forearms was the more painful aspect. I have had a hungry T. sinensis latch onto my finger and start chewing. Uncomfortable? You bet. Painful? mmm..slightly. Blood? No, but I suppose it could have if I'd let it continue for several minutes. I was not inclined to do do that to find out, however.

The point of the original query was weather or not a mantid would be a suitable pet for a teenager. Although Aquanut didn't say so, I assumed that the concern over a bite was in regard to a venomous animal. The idea that biting should be a reason NOT to allow a teenager (or even a younger child) to have one is ridiculous. Some of my earliest invert keeping experiences (starting at age 6) was with native and introduced mantids (especially T. sinensis) an I had nothing but positive experiences. If mantids are unsuitable because they might be able to inflict pain in some way, then we also have to discount millipedes (because they might give you a little nibble) hissing cockroaches (because of the leg spines) and hermit crabs (because they might pinch). The only reason I wouldn't recomend one is the short lifespan of adults and the delicate nature of some species. Having your pet drop dead either due to it's normal short lifespan or in a bad molt will be a much worse experience than any bite a mantid is capable of delivering.



Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
Soulsick said:
Why do you have a supply of roaches? Are they captive or do you just find them in the area? If they are wild, I suggest not feeding them because all wildlife outside will have a certain amount of persiticides in them - it is just the society we live in. I would say to go for a docile tarantula or you can go for an Amblypigid. They are really sweet. They are tailless whipscorpions. They have no tails and they can't pinch you - their claws could never catch skin. Here's a link to a picture.

The Sickness
While there is certainly a risk of pesticides from wild collected insects, they certainly don't ALL have insecticides in them. When exposed to pesticides, insects must either metabolize the toxins or die. Pest cockroach species found in buildings, however, are indeed a serious risk because many of these have developed resitance to many pesticides and may have these toxins in them when captured. Like other insects they must metabloize them to live, so in theory they could be "cleaned" by feeding the feeders a safe food for awhile prior to offering them to something else. Personally, I wouldn't chance it though.

I love amblypigids too, but I don't think they tolerate handling well. For starters, they're high strung and flighty. They will also drop their own legs as a defense. I used to use them in my eductaional programs, but stopped when I realized that the individuals I used died sooner than the ones that stayed home. I didn't even handle them directly, I just pulled out the cork bark they were sitting on and let people look at them, but the stress still took it's toll.



Old Timer
Jun 30, 2005
My first suggestion would be millipedes. I started off with just one, and fell in love with them. I have over 100 now {D If millis aren't his thing, how about Emperor Scorpions? They eat roaches, and are probably the most docile scops you're going to come across. The only problem is that almost any critter out there that likes eating roaches is going to be capable of inflicting a bite.

If you don't mind plant eaters, I would also suggest the Indian Walking Sticks (as kool as mantids, but plant eaters), or some of the larger beetles out there.


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2005

I used to raise WC mantids in middle school. I'm pretty sure they were chinese mantids.

I was actually referring to the mouthparts. I've been bitten by a few individuals (full grown adults) who actually managed to break the skin and draw a fair amount of blood.

I'm sure these were freak occurrences because it only happened twice in all the years I raised them (one happened to rip off a scab)...I raised them from seventh grade to tenth. I'm planning on starting back up again, now that I've found this forum and know what I'm doing now. :razz:


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2005
NiGHTS said:
If you don't mind plant eaters, I would also suggest the Indian Walking Sticks (as kool as mantids, but plant eaters), or some of the larger beetles out there.
The indian walking sticks have kind of strict dietary requirements, don't they?
They won't exactly eat stuff you can pick up from the grocery store.

Most hercules beetles are illegal in the US, except the native ones.

If there's a species of large carabid (or any other carniverous beetle) that's available in the US...I'd love to hear about it. :D

Especially if it's easy to breed.
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Old Timer
Aug 31, 2005
Soulsick said:
Why do you have a supply of roaches? Are they captive or do you just find them in the area? If they are wild, I suggest not feeding them because all wildlife outside will have a certain amount of persiticides in them - it is just the society we live in. I would say to go for a docile tarantula or you can go for an Amblypigid. They are really sweet. They are tailless whipscorpions. They have no tails and they can't pinch you - their claws could never catch skin. Here's a link to a picture.

The Sickness
I have a large colony of Discoids and a new colony of Dubias that i keep for my other sons Dragons (originally, now i'm obsessed!), thats how i found this forum. I appreciate the concern and I will do some checking on your suggestions.



Old Timer
Aug 31, 2005
Thanks all for great input! We'll sit down and research all these suggestions and post the desicion.
I don't mind something that doesn't eat roaches, i just didn't want to spend money on other feeders since that was the idea of the roaches in the first place (although its spun out of control now)


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
Evil Cheshire said:

I used to raise WC mantids in middle school. I'm pretty sure they were Chinese mantids.

I was actually referring to the mouthparts. I've been bitten by a few individuals (full grown adults) who actually managed to break the skin and draw a fair amount of blood.

I'm sure these were freak occurrences because it only happened twice in all the years I raised them (one happened to rip off a scab)...I raised them from seventh grade to tenth. I'm planning on starting back up again, now that I've found this forum and know what I'm doing now. :razz:
Maybe I just have thicker skin than most people. Probably a side effect of grabbing eggrolls out of the deep fryer all those years I worked in a Chinese restaurant... {D



Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
Evil Cheshire said:
The indian walking sticks have kind of strict dietary requirements, don't they?
They won't exactly eat stuff you can pick up from the grocery store.

Most hercules beetles are illegal in the US, except the native ones.

If there's a species of large carabid (or any other carniverous beetle) that's available in the US...I'd love to hear about it. :D

Especially if it's easy to breed.

Actually, thanks to over-reaching and absurd USDA regulations, nearly all insects (and many other arthropods) are not allowed without a permit. Even common pet trade staples like hissing cockroaches and giant millipedes technically require a permit!



Old Timer
Aug 31, 2005
The giant african millipede sounds like the ticket. Any info, links ect would be great. I did look at the care sheet from pet bugs. How big of an enclosure would a juninile vs an adult require. I have a couple 10 gal aquariums i'm not useing.