New Pacman Need Diet Input


Old Timer
Feb 6, 2007
I just got a juvie pacman frog that's roughly 3 inches or more. It's too big for crickets and is the right size for mice (hoppers and such). I'm okay feeding it vertebrates if I have to, but I would prefer not to. It will get a varied diet because it's asinine not to, but would night crawlers work for the main part of a pacman frogs diet? I've seen people feed them to their frogs but I never knew if it's just a treat or if it can be used as the main part of their diet.


Old Timer
Jul 8, 2007
Rodent proteins should be fed no more than monthly if you want a healthy, long lived frog. Nightcrawlers are acceptable as a primary part of the diet, but there's really no such thing as "too small" for crickets - you may simply have to feed more. Roaches also make an excellent staple, and other invertebrates (superworms, hornworms, caterpillars etc.) are a good way to offer variety. Obviously livebearers can be fed periodically as well (DO NOT feed goldfish or rosy reds), as can frogs or anoles IF you can find a good CB, parasite-free source. Verts are not necessary for health, however.

ETA: How often depends on the quantity and type of prey fed. You can feed smaller meals daily, larger meals every few days, etc. Generally only young frogs need daily feedings; one your size would probably be fine on every other day, or depending on meal size less. Don't forget supplementation, as well ;)


Old Timer
Jan 27, 2009
I think small hopper mice are one of the best foods for that size frog . . .
As a "whole prey item", it provides all essential, digestable vitamins and minerals as needed.(as compared to the varying amounts of dust a crix can hold . . .)

I do feed my frogs other things like roaches and worms(especially froglets to juvies) and various other feedres I come across, but the bones in the hopper-mice are very important for strenthening and maintaining the frogs heavy skeleton.

Generally, I feed babies and juvies as much as they will eat at one time, every day to every other day.
Only the frog will know when it wants to eat.
Adults I offer a full-adult mouse 1x a week, with various other treats in between.

Dont be surprised when the frog goes off feed for a day to a month to 6 months, they do that especially getting into the 3" size you have there . . .
It is also common for them to bury down completely for a few days after a big meal.

PS- Temps play an important part of "how much to feed", as frogs kept at the low end of the acceptable range will feed much less than frogs kept warmer . . .
So in reality, higher temps and regular soakings(for poopin, youll see!) and you can really pump some food thru them.
But then you get into the whole "dusting/calcium" issue, and need to dust accordingly so the frogs body doesnt outgrow its frame.
Dusting is pretty much a major factor in growth as these frogs have heavy bones and grow fast.
I switch between herptivite w/D3 and w/o D3.

BTW- Lets see a pic . . .